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Survive That Attack!


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*quickly smears the thick soup all over skin* your radiation can't harm me now!

i scrape a slimy, now syphilis infected soup residue of my genetalia and sling it in the general direction of the next poster

Edited by Belphegor
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Well, I'm on an interstellar voyage in the hunt for this "Earth" everyone is talking about.

I'm flying so fast that unfortunately I hit the next poster with my shield. While on Hyperdrive. At 0.8c. (ie: that hurts a lot, and you're vaporized into a giant ball of plasma)

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Sorry, what? I can't hear you over these explosions. I'm over a billion kilometers away, I whupped on the hyperdrive throttle soon as I posted that.

I sneak into an asteroid field, turn on my cloak, and blast the next poster out of spacetime.

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I protect myself with a force field.

다ìÂÅ’ í¬스터늆김정ìÂۓ„ 미워하기위한 ì¡°ì„  민주주ìÂËœ ì¸민 ê³µí™â€ÃªÂµÂ­ 수용소엠있습니다.

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