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Survive That Attack!


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The muds are too shallow.

I use Windoge 10 instead which doesn't crash because it doesn't exist!

A rocket is on a crash course with the next poster.

Windows 10 came out as Technical Preview. Only a year before the final release, though.

Anyway, the next poster got stuck in a quagmire.

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Guest alemagno12

Windows 39324039204923049230492304923049023944422333 deletes the quagmire.

Next poster is deleted by Windows 39324039204923049230492304923049023944422333

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I make it down by dropping Giant Tungsten Block In Space into the atmosphere with a lot of very tough parachutes attached to it. Giant Tungsten Block in Space makes it down in one piece, minus ablation.

6000 Gs though? Seriously? No planet of that mass could possibly be anything smaller than a gas giant. It would probably at least overcome the electron degeneracy pressure if it were made of rock, if not fall beneath its Schwarszchild radius.

I strap the next poster to a class-A asteroid, fly it all the way to Eeloo, and deorbit it.

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I manage to get off the asteroid and use my jetpack to propel it back to where it came from.

I bring an Ori Warship and fire its main weapon (capable of destroying a mountain in a single shot) towards the ship of the next poster (pic1) (pic2) (pic3)

Edited by MegaUZI
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