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Survive That Attack!


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I have a super-duper-drill that automatically digs me a hole and buries me, and gets me out thirty minutes later after I have a gasmask and gloves on and have sealed every single one of my wounds that I might have.

The next poster has a bullet heading towards them.

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I genetically engineered myself to teleport. I think I can escape that box.

I also genetically engineered myself to give myself mind control powers (don't ask how that works). I mind control the next poster to take off their parachute and run off of a cliff.

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I also genetically engineered myself to give myself mind control powers (don't ask how that works).

I mind control danny into building me a nice house in the game to live in, saving the game in that state, exiting out of KSP, moving the game file to a hidden folder on his computer, and then make him forget that the save ever existed. I get to live peacefully in my nice KSP house for the rest of my life, except living in constant fear that one day Danny will find the hidden file or throw away his computer. Still, it is a nice life for now.

I plane a bomb in the next user's brain which will go off if they try to communicate in any way, except if the user says "No," in which the bomb will then deactivate. I recommend checking the rules of this game before you reply.

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The computer in question was the brain of an ant, so I instantly surrounded it, with no notice at all, because it was in my stomach.

The next user gets stuck in Plants vs Zombies, with no plants, other weapons, or distractions. You also are on oxygen 24/7, and all the medical personnel are zombies.

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