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Avera9e Aerospace


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Avera9e Aerospace

Avera9eJoe's spacecraft exchange

Hello all! I've had the good time to watch all of your creations and I hope you guys like my spin on things :).

Note that all action groups are in the ships description


Ptarmigan complete science SSTO

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Easy to fly, easy to land, and good looking to the eyes. This model is quite the miracle in the eyes of the Kerbals flying it xD I loved making this ship and I hope you love flying it. This craft is extremely good at what is is designed for. It can easily get to orbit and holds strong with few tweaks at physics warp 4. The burning effect looks pretty sick too :)

Ptarmigan SSTO

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This is easily the most maneuverable of all planes I've built. Have fun flying this thing around the VAB or launching missiles into the tower!


Kestrel - with external fuel tank

Kestrel Fighter

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Pelican LKO science lab

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The largest of my collection so far, the Pelican can fairly easily get to a stable low kerbin orbit delivering ALL science so far in KSP. This plane is actually easy to fly so long as you don't try any 90 degree rotations in upper atmosphere (this isn't quite an SSTO because I added 2 external tanks to detach after empty).

Pelican LKO science lab

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This plane has the STRANGEST feeling when flying IVA! The plane takes-off without lifting off at all and when it flies, the nose is tilted down about 20 degrees making it seem like your constantly falling. Psychedelic. 2 variants because the original Hummingbird was very tough to land. Mk_2 is much easier to land, though not as sleek.


Hummingbird mk_2

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Fighter plane mk_2 bomber

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If you haven't noticed already I'm a fan of adding tails to my airplanes (they help a TON with control surfaces at the back). This was the first plane I built that has that feature, and it shows it just as sleek as all the rest. The Fighter plane mk_2 bomber has such a crazy name because I took my time editing it and making it its best. This variant has 12 missiles and one line of carpet bombs (RCS drops them). I ended up using this plane in a

and I hope you have as much fun as I did if you download.

Fighter plane mk_2 bomber


X-24 Lifting body 3

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This is the oldest ship I've built in this post. It's not only ugly (with a capital "ug"), but it's hard to land as well! Luckily that's what its meant for :P! I designed this loosely on the real X-24 lifting body aircraft, bud it doesn't really give the real thing justice xD. This ship is sluggish, but isn't hard to fly. Have fun landing with this thing if you get it!

X-24 Lifting Body 3

More to come!

Happy flying!

See you all later.


Edited by Avera9eJoe
Added Ptarmigan
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