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[0.90] Kerbin Shuttle Orbiter System v4.13


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  FREEMANtsinq said:
This line:

texture = kerbin orbiter, KSO/Parts/altnames/ksoliberty

Needs to be this:

texture = kerbin_orbiter, KSO/Parts/altnames/ksoliberty

Add that underscore.

I think he got it working. It was an issue with the ATM texture cache I think. Also, you shouldnt really need the kerbin_orbiter texture if youre making a named shuttle as the whole texture is included either way.

EDIT: Also (and maybe this is just because its 0130 and Im tired) but I find this line in the changelog:

"-Fixed an issue where previous version didn't get updated."

freaking hilarious.

Edited by Avalon304
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  Avalon304 said:
I think he got it working. It was an issue with the ATM texture cache I think. Also, you shouldnt really need the kerbin_orbiter texture if youre making a named shuttle as the whole texture is included either way.

EDIT: Also (and maybe this is just because its 0130 and Im tired) but I find this line in the changelog:

"-Fixed an issue where previous version didn't get updated."

freaking hilarious.

Yeah, helldiver's computer was not cooperating.

EDIT: by the way, I believe that part (kerbin_orbiter) is required if the texture is applied through the part config in the model reference (as opposed to firespitters textureswitch module). It's not so much using the original texture as referencing which texture is being substituted if I understand it correctly.

The original texture filename is kerbin_orbiter.tga, the original model files are exported from unity to reference said texture filename, and this "texture =" tag (which is not required originally because the model is already set up to use it) in the part cfg specifies that we are using this file in lieu of kerbin_orbiter.tga.

For example:

Where a part would normally use:

model = mymod/parts/mypart
texture = texture-a, mymod/parts/texture-a

We could sub out texture B in lieu of texture A.

model = mymod/parts/mypart
texture = texture-a, mymod/parts/texture-b

Edited by qnistNAMEERF
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  FREEMANtsinq said:
Yeah, helldiver's computer was not cooperating.

Oh I understand completely... and I even understand that changelog notes should be written unambiguously... but its just the phrasing of it, and the ways its deadpan just makes me laugh.

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  Moon Goddess said:
Nope, downloaded 6 other mods, while playing with this one, perfectly able to download from Curse and KerbalStuff, speakeasy and speedtest.net check out good, it's on the path from mediafire to my part of AT&T

Kerbal Stuff link.


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The two pictures below show the problem I'm having The ADI is blank when selected. I suspect that it has something to do with the fact that the graphics on the windshield HUD are black. But I accept the possibility that I'm doing something wrong.



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  nukeboyt said:
The two pictures below show the problem I'm having The ADI is blank when selected. I suspect that it has something to do with the fact that the graphics on the windshield HUD are black. But I accept the possibility that I'm doing something wrong.



What version you using? Did you manually install? Is the KSO_ADI folder located in your GameData\KSO\RPM\ directory?

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  helldiver said:
Could also be he suffers from the same bug other folks have with the ADI/HUD in KSOS. We never really solved that.

Yeah, I agree on that with the dark HUD. But he should also have a dark ADI in the first screenshot with some white text. There's nothing there though so I'm guessing he has not installed it correctly.

EDIT: by the way, the new OP is slick.

Edited by qnistNAMEERF
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  FREEMANtsinq said:
What version you using? Did you manually install? Is the KSO_ADI folder located in your GameData\KSO\RPM\ directory?

Thanks for the troubleshooting tips. I am running the Linux 0.90 version of KSP. I did a manual install. Yes, I have the KSO_ADI foldder. It has five .tga files in it.






Is that how many there are supposed to be?

Edit: Windows version works fine. Used the same downloaded KSO zip file

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  nukeboyt said:
Thanks for the troubleshooting tips. I am running the Linux 0.90 version of KSP. I did a manual install. Yes, I have the KSO_ADI foldder. It has five .tga files in it.






Is that how many there are supposed to be?

Edit: Windows version works fine. Used the same downloaded KSO zip file

// ADI left screen



name = RasterPropMonitor

screenTransform = RPM_ADI_ONLY_Left

fontTransform = KSO/RPM/KSO_MFD/hudfont

textureLayerID = _Emissive // Name of texture layer to work with on the screen surface.

screenWidth = 40 // Screen width in letters.

screenHeight = 20 // Screen height in lines.

screenPixelWidth = 640 // Width of the generated screen texture in pixels.

screenPixelHeight = 640 // Height of the generated screen texture in pixels.

fontLetterWidth = 16 // Width of a font character.

fontLetterHeight = 32 // Height of a font character.

cameraAspect = 1.0

fontDefinition = KSO/RPM/KSO_MFD/fontDefinition.txt

extraFont = KSO/RPM/KSO_MFD/hudfont

refreshDrawRate = 2

refreshTextRate = 5

refreshDataRate = 20

buttonClickSound = KSO/RPM/KSO_MFD/buttonbeep

buttonClickVolume = 0.6

noSignalTextureURL = KSO/RPM/KSO_MFD/nosignal


name = ADIpg

button = ADI_Left_ADI_Button

text = KSO/RPM/Pages/default/pa_ADI.txt

defaultFontTint = 255,255,255,255

//textureURL = KSO/RPM/KSO_MFD/screenbg

//textureOverlayURL = KSO/RPM/KSO25/Overlay

disableSwitchingTo = btn1, btn2, btn3, btn4, btn5, btn6, btn7, btn8, btn9, btn10, up, down, enter, escape, home

showHeadingBarPrograde = false



name = JSIHeadsUpDisplay

method = RenderHUD

//backgroundColor = 42,42,42,0

horizonTexture = KSO/RPM/KSO_ADI/ADI_ladder

use360horizon = false

horizonSize = 320,320

horizonTextureSize = 480,480

hudFov = 120

headingBar = KSO/RPM/KSO_ADI/ADI_heading

headingBarPosition = 160,123,320,37

headingBarWidth = 320

showHeadingBarPrograde = false

progradeColor = 255,255,255,255

iconPixelSize = 64

vertBar1Texture = KSO/RPM/KSO_ADI/ADI_rightscale

vertBar1UseLog10 = true

vertBar1Variable = RADARALTOCEAN

vertBar1Position = 480,160,64,320

vertBar1Limit = 0,10000

vertBar1TextureLimit = 855,170

vertBar1TextureSize = 640

vertBar2Texture = KSO/RPM/KSO_ADI/ADI_leftscale

vertBar2UseLog10 = true

vertBar2Variable = VERTSPEED

vertBar2Position = 96,160,64,320

vertBar2Limit = -10000,10000

vertBar2TextureLimit = 1845,208

vertBar2TextureSize = 640

staticOverlay = KSO/RPM/KSO_ADI/ADI_overlay





name = ADIflightDisplay

button = ADI_Left_PFD_Button

text = KSO/RPM/Pages/default/pa_ADI.txt

//text = KSO/RPM/Hyomoto/MFD/pages/overlayPFD.txt

//textureURL = KSO/RPM/Hyomoto/MFD/images/genericBg

//textureOverlayURL = KSO/RPM/KSO25/Overlay

disableSwitchingTo = btn1, btn2, btn3, btn4, btn5, btn6, btn7, btn8, btn9, btn10, up, down, enter, escape, home



name = JSIPrimaryFlightDisplay

method = RenderPFD

buttonClickMethod = ButtonProcessor

//speedModeButton = 4

navBallModel = KSO/RPM/KSO_PFD/NavBall

horizonTexture = KSO/RPM/KSO25/kso_nav_KSO_25

staticOverlay = KSO/RPM/KSO_PFD/pfdStatic3

headingBar = KSO/RPM/Hyomoto/MFD/images/pfdHeading

headingBarPosition = 0.0, 0.65, 0.4, 0.05

headingAboveOverlay = 1

cameraSpan = 0.75

cameraShift = 0, -0.05




We're concerned with the ADI half of that screen (name = ADIpg). So, just to verify you have all the files installed correctly, you'll need to make sure you have the following in place:











You've already verified the KSO_ADI folder. I should have asked if the KSO/RPM/Pages folder was there now that I think about it because all the text is missing from the pa_ADI.txt file on that screen.

Also, make sure you're using the JSI (RPM) plugin files (should be at GameData/JSI/ ) that came bundled with KSOS.

EDIT: Hmm, actually, the text from pa_ADI.txt is there on the PFD screen. Huh, not sure what's going on there.

Edited by qnistNAMEERF
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  helldiver said:
You'll have to elaborate. Windows version works fine? What do you mean by that?


I have a dual boot system, So when I run a similar install in Windows (versus Linux) The screen works fine. I suspect the problem has something to do with the way that Linux is reading the files.

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  nukeboyt said:
I have a dual boot system, So when I run a similar install in Windows (versus Linux) The screen works fine. I suspect the problem has something to do with the way that Linux is reading the files.

I went ahead and checked the v413 All zip against my linux setup and here's how it looks:


That's on Ubuntu 64bit running KSP 64bit linux client with the KSOS v413 All zip pack.

The dark HUD is a known bug from pretty much the beginning of this mod. You'll also experience it in windows if you use force OpenGL.

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Funny you should mention that because I am using the KSO provided RPM plugin files on Linux. The windows installation (where the ADI screen works) is using the version of the RPM files provided with KSO 4.10 So that gave me an idea... What if I switched out the RasterPropMonitor.dll files and copied the older one into the Linux-install with KSO 4.13?

The result looks somewhat more like expected. Mising the ladder, but at least the text shows up. Ladder is probably there, just not visible because it's black. So perhaps something is different in the RasterPropMonitor.dll files


Edited by nukeboyt
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  OrianCEV said:
Having some issues here...

It seems the MFD's are being replaced by randomized textures, as seen here, the kerbal EVA suit and the textures for the KSO parts.. Is there an existing fix for this? I sure can't find it.


Someone else just had this issue a page or two back in the thread. Helldiver said they were running an outdated version of RPM.

  nukeboyt said:
Funny you should mention that because I am using the KSO provided RPM plugin files on Linux. The windows installation (where the ADI screen works) is using the version of the RPM files provided with KSO 4.10 So that gave me an idea... What if I switched out the RasterPropMonitor.dll files and copied the older one into the Linux-install with KSO 4.13?

The result looks somewhat more like expected. Mising the ladder, but at least the text shows up. Ladder is probably there, just not visible because it's black. So perhaps something is different in the RasterPropMonitor.dll files


Sounds like you were probably having the same issue.

Yeah, the graphics are there. They're just black like you said. It's a bug with RPM and OpenGL.

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  FREEMANtsinq said:
I went ahead and checked the v413 All zip against my linux setup and here's how it looks:


That's on Ubuntu 64bit running KSP 64bit linux client with the KSOS v413 All zip pack.

The dark HUD is a known bug from pretty much the beginning of this mod. You'll also experience it in windows if you use force OpenGL.

That's very strange. I can get the same screen, but only with the KSOS v410's RPM files. I'm using Linux Mint and the KSP 64 bit client

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  FREEMANtsinq said:

Yeah, the graphics are there. They're just black like you said. It's a bug with RPM and OpenGL.

Can confirm. I run Windows 32-bit with the OpenGL flag and my ADI ladders and tapes are also black... which considering I dont fly IVA isnt much of an issue, but it is perplexing.

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