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[0.90] Kerbin Shuttle Orbiter System v4.13


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Does not work how?

Well, first of all it does not show how much data or science it has stored. It does not let me start experimenting [there is no button]. When I turn science experiments into data inside of the lab, [that is the only thing that works] it shows that the data has been stored but the save file .sfs tells me that it's still at 0.

Edit: It's entirely possible that I deleted some crucial part cfg by mistake when I removed all the car/truck parts. I just don't know what it's called.

Edited by Clythoris
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Well, first of all it does not show how much data or science it has stored. It does not let me start experimenting [there is no button]. When I turn science experiments into data inside of the lab, [that is the only thing that works] it shows that the data has been stored but the save file .sfs tells me that it's still at 0.

Well the Science Lab is like the stock science lab. Its for cleaning other experiments and storing data from those experiments. The Hydro Lab is like a Mystery Goo pod or Science Jr pod, and is the thing that actually does the experiments.

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Well the Science Lab is like the stock science lab.

Well, that is the thing. It does not work like the stock lab. You put science experiments in it, it turns them into data, then it slowly turns that data, with scientist crew inside, into science which you can transmit back to Kerbin. Your KerbalLab even has a button to "transmit science", but if it can't actually do the process of converting data into science, then it does not work. It's basically just a huge, inefficient reaction wheel. :rolleyes:

Edit: I am going to take it up on myself to fix it.

Edit2: I believe I fixed it, for now. http://www.filedropper.com/ssmodlabkso_1

-I modified the cfg. It now converts data into science just like the stock lab.

-I also raised the data/science capacity from 500 to 1000 just because your lab requires 2 personnel instead of just one.

-Doubled energy consumption, because two kerbals use twice as more power sockets.

-It should also have a 20% bonus when converting on surface and 20% bonus when converting around/on kerbin. I stress the word "Should" because I have no idea if it will.

Edited by Clythoris
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Fantastic to see this baby in 1.0.2!

Did my first flight last night. Put her in the water on landing, but that's what sims are for. Gonna take me a couple flights to get reacquainted with the aerodynamics on entry. Still, nothing quite so exciting as doing a dead-stick landing of this thing on the runway. She's a dream to fly.

One question for any of the developers. I was wondering what you guys considered the best ways to get cargo in and out of the bay. I usually set up a separator, then build my cargo onto it, then detatch when in orbit and try to "fly" the cargo to wherever I'm setting it up (I build cruisers in orbit for interplanetary flights). Just didn't know if there was a preferred or recommended way. Let me know what you guys typically do...

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Fantastic to see this baby in 1.0.2!

Did my first flight last night. Put her in the water on landing, but that's what sims are for. Gonna take me a couple flights to get reacquainted with the aerodynamics on entry. Still, nothing quite so exciting as doing a dead-stick landing of this thing on the runway. She's a dream to fly.

One question for any of the developers. I was wondering what you guys considered the best ways to get cargo in and out of the bay. I usually set up a separator, then build my cargo onto it, then detatch when in orbit and try to "fly" the cargo to wherever I'm setting it up (I build cruisers in orbit for interplanetary flights). Just didn't know if there was a preferred or recommended way. Let me know what you guys typically do...

I typically take two docking ports and mate those together in the cargo bay. That way, you decouple them without any sort of extra force.

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KSP 1.0 fixed a bug in the way nodes work. Its entirely possible that we missed a couple nodes and it appears the KSO ET node was one of them. To fix this for the moment you can turn no 'Non Strict Part Orientation Check' or whatever from the Alt-F12 menu.

Ok I'll try that I was worried that it was some mods not playing nicely.

Also I was wanting to use the Limited Edition Livery but when I tried to use it with the MM config the textures do not line up with the KSO cabin. I've not tested to see if it does the same thing with EWBCL. I copied the files of the shuttles to the altnames file that was made with the EWBCL texture switcher mod. Added the LE Livery and renamed it making the changes so that I can have the limited edition and the normal in the same game, without replacing the stock livery that is already in the mod. I wonder what i have done that is making it not work, also would the files included in the EWBCL texture switcher mod used also for the KSO cabin? So i don't need to have a separate file for both the KSO and the EWBCL?

Edit I found out the Limited edition was for the EWBCL and not the KSO shuttle please disregard.


Fantastic to see this baby in 1.0.2!

Did my first flight last night. Put her in the water on landing, but that's what sims are for. Gonna take me a couple flights to get reacquainted with the aerodynamics on entry. Still, nothing quite so exciting as doing a dead-stick landing of this thing on the runway. She's a dream to fly.

One question for any of the developers. I was wondering what you guys considered the best ways to get cargo in and out of the bay. I usually set up a separator, then build my cargo onto it, then detatch when in orbit and try to "fly" the cargo to wherever I'm setting it up (I build cruisers in orbit for interplanetary flights). Just didn't know if there was a preferred or recommended way. Let me know what you guys typically do..


What i have done to send up parts for a station for example would be to use docking ports on the shuttle and the part I was bringing up, Un-dock the cargo and use the Shuttles RCS to pull away from the part and grab it with a work tug to dock it to where it was going. I also use this for satellite and probes but after I un-dock them the docking port on the cargo was separated from the probe or satellite and I'd somehow re-dock with that little part or just space junk it.

I also want to thank everyone who has put work into this mod, from the original makers of it to all the people that have helped others with troubles that have popped up, including those that have edited and made configs for compatibility with other mods.

Thank you for ALL your hard work, with out it this mod would not be what it is today!

Edited by Damaske
Answering my own Question
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Well, that is the thing. It does not work like the stock lab. You put science experiments in it, it turns them into data, then it slowly turns that data, with scientist crew inside, into science which you can transmit back to Kerbin. Your KerbalLab even has a button to "transmit science", but if it can't actually do the process of converting data into science, then it does not work. It's basically just a huge, inefficient reaction wheel.

As far as Im aware, it wasnt meant to be a science converter, like the stock lab. It was meant to store experiments, which can be transmitted like any other experiment in the game.

One question for any of the developers. I was wondering what you guys considered the best ways to get cargo in and out of the bay. I usually set up a separator, then build my cargo onto it, then detatch when in orbit and try to "fly" the cargo to wherever I'm setting it up (I build cruisers in orbit for interplanetary flights). Just didn't know if there was a preferred or recommended way. Let me know what you guys typically do...

I have an Infernal Robotics arm that I use for manipulating cargo out of the cargo bay.

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I am having one heck of a time re-learning how to fly this shuttle. If I take off at 100% the Block 5 turns over so fast, it hits the VAB every time. The Block 10 is not so bad. It goes a few hundred meters beyond the VAB. So I try to balance the thrust of the shuttle engines to get it to go straight up. Am I doing something wrong? Or perhaps I am missing some configs? I installed KSOS_v413_All.zip in a fresh installation of the game, then I replaced the KSO directory with the one from Kerbin_Shuttle_Orbiter_System_No_Plugins-4.2.zip​. I must be doing something wrong.

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I am having one heck of a time re-learning how to fly this shuttle. If I take off at 100% the Block 5 turns over so fast, it hits the VAB every time. The Block 10 is not so bad. It goes a few hundred meters beyond the VAB. So I try to balance the thrust of the shuttle engines to get it to go straight up. Am I doing something wrong? Or perhaps I am missing some configs? I installed KSOS_v413_All.zip in a fresh installation of the game, then I replaced the KSO directory with the one from Kerbin_Shuttle_Orbiter_System_No_Plugins-4.2.zip​. I must be doing something wrong.

You need to use the mediafire link that Nazari provided... version 4.13 does not have plugins updated for 1.0.

Use this link:


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You need to use the mediafire link that Nazari provided... version 4.13 does not have plugins updated for 1.0.

Use this link:


Yeah. You are - you need to completely remove whatever copy of KSO you had (4.13, plugin mods included) and install version 4.2

Thank you both. I misunderstood the purpose/application of the file Kerbin_Shuttle_Orbiter_System_No_Plugins-4.2.zip. For some reason I thought that it was to be overlay-ed on top of 4.13

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will there be an installer for the kso on ksp 1.0.2

AFAIK, the current 1.02 build is still a WIP, they'll probably update the installer when everything's ironed out. It's not to difficult to do a manual install though, just drag and drop the files into the directory.

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@Nazari: FYI, your Deadly Reentry configuration for KSP 1.0.* is incompatible with Deadly Reentry 7

At best, some sections are superfluous and at worst, AblativeShield resource is being added that's not actually doing anything except adding mass. The new ModuleHeatShield code accepts the same parameters as stock ModuleAblator and functions in the same manner except that it uses skin temperature instead of part temperature. (skin temperature being a concept added in DRE 7

You might be better off not adding anything except giving your shuttle parts high emissiveConstant values, which looks like you've done. (DRE works with the new thermal system)

Our DRE compatibility was never anything more than basic. We usually left it up to the users to make their own configs (similar to our old FAR support)

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(leave it up to the end user? Did every non-modder suddenly stop playing the game and nobody told me?)

Nope. But we never offered support for DRE other than the basic patch (and thats all it is, a module manager patch) included with the KSOS. If a user wanted to use DRE, they could go to the DRE topic, understand how the mod works and create their own config for it. It was the same with FAR. Users who wanted to use the old FAR (and I specify this, because I have no idea how nuFAR works in relation to old FAR) could create and share their own module manager patches. The KSOS would only ever really intended to work in Stock KSP, and everything else was left up to the individual users to customize their KSOS install to suit their own, varying needs.

We provided a basic DRE patch, and a basic FAR patch with the caveat 'Use at own risk'. More indepth, and proper support was not offered, unless it was by users of those mods. To be honest, while I can only speak for myself, when I say I dont use either FAR or DRE, Im not aware of anyone on the team who uses them either.

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The configs weren't for 1.0, they are older - going to remove them for the next version of the mod.

Edit: actually, probably just going to make these both heat tweak files and remove the unused modules.

Edited by Nazari1382
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I just noticed that you no longer have the option to change the name in the right click menu for the cockpit, has this been changed? The doors still work, so I'm pretty sure that firespitter is still working.
As far as I know this was added through patches that Freeman did.
yeah, looks that way, I imported the patch from my old .25 backup, we'll see if it still works.

Yeah, I would incorporate this patch into the installer version (and I also included it for the tug) but no matter what I submit to helldiver and nazari it never seems to make it over into the manual install packs.

will there be an installer for the kso on ksp 1.0.2
AFAIK, the current 1.02 build is still a WIP, they'll probably update the installer when everything's ironed out. It's not to difficult to do a manual install though, just drag and drop the files into the directory.

This is correct. Once everything is ironed out an installer will be compiled again for everyone. Sorry for the wait.

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The DRE patches is installed and patching if KSO is installed. There's no actual choice involved unless the files are located and deleted.

To put it more bluntly, downloading and installing what Nazari linked to means that obsolete and useless patches are applied and extra resource mass added on to various parts that don't do anything except to be dead weight.

So, if the official line is that no DRE support is offered, why bother keeping those files around?

The mod is better off without them and the users of KSO are better off without them.

Im not sure I can state it any better: "No support is offered other than the basic patches provided." To expand on that: If users or DRE also wanted to use the KSO, we would not tell them how to make it work. It would be up to them to make it work, and if they were so inclined help others.

Whats more, is previously, Freeman compiled a list of user-made patches for the KSOS for FAR, DRE and CoolRockets... and the only 2 DRE patches that were included were made by YOU... so Im not sure how this is even a discussion, seeing as you must've known that we dont provide anything more than the most basic support.

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I think I may shed some light on this. There is another two patches for DRE that are included with the KSOS. They were written by Nazari. I believe this is what starwaster is referring to.

// WIP config for Deadly Reentry compatibility of Kerbin Shuttle Orbiter
// contact: Nazari1382 on forum (ksp official)

@maxTemp = 2424
@heatProduction = 215

@maxTemp = 2520
@heatProduction = 250

@maxTemp = 2220
@heatProduction = 150

@maxTemp = 1450

@maxTemp = 1450

@maxTemp = 1500
{ // this one is custom, and is a little thicker than most heat shields.
name = ModuleHeatShield
direction = 0, 0, 1 // bottom of pod
reflective = 0.12 // 5% of heat is ignored at correct angle
ablative = AblativeShielding
{ // loss is based on the shockwave temperature (also based on density)
key = 650 0 // start ablating at 650 degrees C
key = 1000 64 // peak ablation at 1000 degrees C
key = 3000 80 // max ablation at 3000 degrees C
{ // dissipation is based on the part's current temperature
key = 300 0 // begin ablating at 300 degrees C
key = 500 180 // maximum dissipation at 500 degrees C
name = AblativeShielding
amount = 250
maxAmount = 250

@maxTemp = 1700
{ // this one is custom, and is a little thicker than most heat shields.
name = ModuleHeatShield
direction = 0, 0, 1 // bottom of pod
reflective = 0.12 // 5% of heat is ignored at correct angle
ablative = AblativeShielding
{ // loss is based on the shockwave temperature (also based on density)
key = 650 0 // start ablating at 650 degrees C
key = 1000 64 // peak ablation at 1000 degrees C
key = 3000 80 // max ablation at 3000 degrees C
{ // dissipation is based on the part's current temperature
key = 300 0 // begin ablating at 300 degrees C
key = 500 180 // maximum dissipation at 500 degrees C
name = AblativeShielding
amount = 250
maxAmount = 250

@maxTemp = 1500
{ // this one is custom, and is a little thicker than most heat shields.
name = ModuleHeatShield
direction = 0, 0, 1 // bottom of pod
reflective = 0.12 // 5% of heat is ignored at correct angle
ablative = AblativeShielding
{ // loss is based on the shockwave temperature (also based on density)
key = 650 0 // start ablating at 650 degrees C
key = 1000 64 // peak ablation at 1000 degrees C
key = 3000 80 // max ablation at 3000 degrees C
{ // dissipation is based on the part's current temperature
key = 300 0 // begin ablating at 300 degrees C
key = 500 180 // maximum dissipation at 500 degrees C
name = AblativeShielding
amount = 250
maxAmount = 250

@maxTemp = 1500
{ // this one is custom, and is a little thicker than most heat shields.
name = ModuleHeatShield
direction = 0, 0, 1 // bottom of pod
reflective = 0.12 // 5% of heat is ignored at correct angle
ablative = AblativeShielding
{ // loss is based on the shockwave temperature (also based on density)
key = 650 0 // start ablating at 650 degrees C
key = 1000 64 // peak ablation at 1000 degrees C
key = 3000 80 // max ablation at 3000 degrees C
{ // dissipation is based on the part's current temperature
key = 300 0 // begin ablating at 300 degrees C
key = 500 180 // maximum dissipation at 500 degrees C
name = AblativeShielding
amount = 250
maxAmount = 250

@maxTemp = 1500
{ // this one is custom, and is a little thicker than most heat shields.
name = ModuleHeatShield
direction = 0, 0, 1 // bottom of pod
reflective = 0.12 // 5% of heat is ignored at correct angle
ablative = AblativeShielding
{ // loss is based on the shockwave temperature (also based on density)
key = 650 0 // start ablating at 650 degrees C
key = 1000 64 // peak ablation at 1000 degrees C
key = 3000 80 // max ablation at 3000 degrees C
{ // dissipation is based on the part's current temperature
key = 300 0 // begin ablating at 300 degrees C
key = 500 180 // maximum dissipation at 500 degrees C
name = AblativeShielding
amount = 250
maxAmount = 250

@maxTemp = 1500
{ // this one is custom, and is a little thicker than most heat shields.
name = ModuleHeatShield
direction = 0, 0, 1 // bottom of pod
reflective = 0.25 // 25% of heat is ignored at correct angle
ablative = AblativeShielding
{ // loss is based on the shockwave temperature (also based on density)
key = 650 0 // start ablating at 650 degrees C
key = 1000 64 // peak ablation at 1000 degrees C
key = 3000 80 // max ablation at 3000 degrees C
{ // dissipation is based on the part's current temperature
key = 300 0 // begin ablating at 300 degrees C
key = 500 180 // maximum dissipation at 500 degrees C
name = AblativeShielding
amount = 250
maxAmount = 250

@maxTemp = 1500
{ // this one is custom, and is a little thicker than most heat shields.
name = ModuleHeatShield
direction = 0, 0, 1 // bottom of pod
reflective = 0.25 // 25% of heat is ignored at correct angle
ablative = AblativeShielding
{ // loss is based on the shockwave temperature (also based on density)
key = 650 0 // start ablating at 650 degrees C
key = 1000 64 // peak ablation at 1000 degrees C
key = 3000 80 // max ablation at 3000 degrees C
{ // dissipation is based on the part's current temperature
key = 300 0 // begin ablating at 300 degrees C
key = 500 180 // maximum dissipation at 500 degrees C
name = AblativeShielding
amount = 250
maxAmount = 250

@maxTemp = 1500
{ // this one is custom, and is a little thicker than most heat shields.
name = ModuleHeatShield
direction = 0, 0, 1 // bottom of pod
reflective = 0.25 // 5% of heat is ignored at correct angle
ablative = AblativeShielding
{ // loss is based on the shockwave temperature (also based on density)
key = 650 0 // start ablating at 650 degrees C
key = 1000 64 // peak ablation at 1000 degrees C
key = 3000 80 // max ablation at 3000 degrees C
{ // dissipation is based on the part's current temperature
key = 300 0 // begin ablating at 300 degrees C
key = 500 180 // maximum dissipation at 500 degrees C
name = AblativeShielding
amount = 250
maxAmount = 250

@maxTemp = 1500
{ // this one is custom, and is a little thicker than most heat shields.
name = ModuleHeatShield
direction = 0, 0, 1 // bottom of pod
reflective = 0.25 // 5% of heat is ignored at correct angle
ablative = AblativeShielding
{ // loss is based on the shockwave temperature (also based on density)
key = 650 0 // start ablating at 650 degrees C
key = 1000 64 // peak ablation at 1000 degrees C
key = 3000 80 // max ablation at 3000 degrees C
{ // dissipation is based on the part's current temperature
key = 300 0 // begin ablating at 300 degrees C
key = 500 180 // maximum dissipation at 500 degrees C
name = AblativeShielding
amount = 250
maxAmount = 250

@maxTemp = 1500
{ // this one is custom, and is a little thicker than most heat shields.
name = ModuleHeatShield
direction = 0, 0, 1 // bottom of pod
reflective = 0.12 // 5% of heat is ignored at correct angle
ablative = AblativeShielding
{ // loss is based on the shockwave temperature (also based on density)
key = 650 0 // start ablating at 650 degrees C
key = 1000 64 // peak ablation at 1000 degrees C
key = 3000 80 // max ablation at 3000 degrees C
{ // dissipation is based on the part's current temperature
key = 300 0 // begin ablating at 300 degrees C
key = 500 180 // maximum dissipation at 500 degrees C
name = AblativeShielding
amount = 250
maxAmount = 250

@maxTemp = 1500
name = ModuleHeatShield
direction = 0, 0, 1 // underside of fuselage
reflective = 0.32 // 25% of heat is ignored at correct angle
@maxTemp = 1500
name = ModuleHeatShield
direction = 0, 0, 1 // underside of fuselage
reflective = 0.32 // 25% of heat is ignored at correct angle


// WIP config for Deadly Reentry compatibility of Kerbin Shuttle Orbiter
// contact: Nazari1382 on forum (ksp official)

@maxTemp = 2424
@heatProduction = 215

@maxTemp = 2520
@heatProduction = 250

@maxTemp = 2220
@heatProduction = 150

@maxTemp = 1450

@maxTemp = 1500
{ // this one is custom, and is a little thicker than most heat shields.
name = ModuleHeatShield
direction = 0, 0, 1 // bottom of pod
reflective = 0.12 // 5% of heat is ignored at correct angle
ablative = AblativeShielding
{ // loss is based on the shockwave temperature (also based on density)
key = 650 0 // start ablating at 650 degrees C
key = 1000 64 // peak ablation at 1000 degrees C
key = 3000 80 // max ablation at 3000 degrees C
{ // dissipation is based on the part's current temperature
key = 300 0 // begin ablating at 300 degrees C
key = 500 180 // maximum dissipation at 500 degrees C
name = AblativeShielding
amount = 250
maxAmount = 250

@maxTemp = 1500
{ // this one is custom, and is a little thicker than most heat shields.
name = ModuleHeatShield
direction = 0, 0, 1 // bottom of pod
reflective = 0.12 // 5% of heat is ignored at correct angle
ablative = AblativeShielding
{ // loss is based on the shockwave temperature (also based on density)
key = 650 0 // start ablating at 650 degrees C
key = 1000 64 // peak ablation at 1000 degrees C
key = 3000 80 // max ablation at 3000 degrees C
{ // dissipation is based on the part's current temperature
key = 300 0 // begin ablating at 300 degrees C
key = 500 180 // maximum dissipation at 500 degrees C
name = AblativeShielding
amount = 250
maxAmount = 250

@maxTemp = 1500
{ // this one is custom, and is a little thicker than most heat shields.
name = ModuleHeatShield
direction = 0, 0, 1 // bottom of pod
reflective = 0.12 // 5% of heat is ignored at correct angle
ablative = AblativeShielding
{ // loss is based on the shockwave temperature (also based on density)
key = 650 0 // start ablating at 650 degrees C
key = 1000 64 // peak ablation at 1000 degrees C
key = 3000 80 // max ablation at 3000 degrees C
{ // dissipation is based on the part's current temperature
key = 300 0 // begin ablating at 300 degrees C
key = 500 180 // maximum dissipation at 500 degrees C
name = AblativeShielding
amount = 250
maxAmount = 250

@maxTemp = 1500
{ // this one is custom, and is a little thicker than most heat shields.
name = ModuleHeatShield
direction = 0, 0, 1 // bottom of pod
reflective = 0.25 // 25% of heat is ignored at correct angle
ablative = AblativeShielding
{ // loss is based on the shockwave temperature (also based on density)
key = 650 0 // start ablating at 650 degrees C
key = 1000 64 // peak ablation at 1000 degrees C
key = 3000 80 // max ablation at 3000 degrees C
{ // dissipation is based on the part's current temperature
key = 300 0 // begin ablating at 300 degrees C
key = 500 180 // maximum dissipation at 500 degrees C
name = AblativeShielding
amount = 250
maxAmount = 250

@maxTemp = 1500
{ // this one is custom, and is a little thicker than most heat shields.
name = ModuleHeatShield
direction = 0, 0, 1 // bottom of pod
reflective = 0.25 // 25% of heat is ignored at correct angle
ablative = AblativeShielding
{ // loss is based on the shockwave temperature (also based on density)
key = 650 0 // start ablating at 650 degrees C
key = 1000 64 // peak ablation at 1000 degrees C
key = 3000 80 // max ablation at 3000 degrees C
{ // dissipation is based on the part's current temperature
key = 300 0 // begin ablating at 300 degrees C
key = 500 180 // maximum dissipation at 500 degrees C
name = AblativeShielding
amount = 250
maxAmount = 250

@maxTemp = 1500
{ // this one is custom, and is a little thicker than most heat shields.
name = ModuleHeatShield
direction = 0, 0, 1 // bottom of pod
reflective = 0.25 // 5% of heat is ignored at correct angle
ablative = AblativeShielding
{ // loss is based on the shockwave temperature (also based on density)
key = 650 0 // start ablating at 650 degrees C
key = 1000 64 // peak ablation at 1000 degrees C
key = 3000 80 // max ablation at 3000 degrees C
{ // dissipation is based on the part's current temperature
key = 300 0 // begin ablating at 300 degrees C
key = 500 180 // maximum dissipation at 500 degrees C
name = AblativeShielding
amount = 250
maxAmount = 250

@maxTemp = 1500
{ // this one is custom, and is a little thicker than most heat shields.
name = ModuleHeatShield
direction = 0, 0, 1 // bottom of pod
reflective = 0.25 // 5% of heat is ignored at correct angle
ablative = AblativeShielding
{ // loss is based on the shockwave temperature (also based on density)
key = 650 0 // start ablating at 650 degrees C
key = 1000 64 // peak ablation at 1000 degrees C
key = 3000 80 // max ablation at 3000 degrees C
{ // dissipation is based on the part's current temperature
key = 300 0 // begin ablating at 300 degrees C
key = 500 180 // maximum dissipation at 500 degrees C
name = AblativeShielding
amount = 250
maxAmount = 250

@maxTemp = 1500
{ // this one is custom, and is a little thicker than most heat shields.
name = ModuleHeatShield
direction = 0, 0, 1 // bottom of pod
reflective = 0.12 // 5% of heat is ignored at correct angle
ablative = AblativeShielding
{ // loss is based on the shockwave temperature (also based on density)
key = 650 0 // start ablating at 650 degrees C
key = 1000 64 // peak ablation at 1000 degrees C
key = 3000 80 // max ablation at 3000 degrees C
{ // dissipation is based on the part's current temperature
key = 300 0 // begin ablating at 300 degrees C
key = 500 180 // maximum dissipation at 500 degrees C
name = AblativeShielding
amount = 250
maxAmount = 250

@maxTemp = 1500
name = ModuleHeatShield
direction = 0, 0, 1 // underside of fuselage
reflective = 0.32 // 25% of heat is ignored at correct angle
@maxTemp = 1500
name = ModuleHeatShield
direction = 0, 0, 1 // underside of fuselage
reflective = 0.32 // 25% of heat is ignored at correct angle


One of the main issues with these pathes is they do not check for whether DRE is installed, so they are applied regardless of whether folks are using DRE or not.

Edited by qnistNAMEERF
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Do you get it now Avalon304?

Again... Im not honestly sure how I can state this any better:

"No support is offered other than the basic patches provided."

basic patches provided

I am aware of the two patches included with the KSOS. I have referenced them multiple times. They are the only support provided by default. There is no guarentee they will properly support DRE. Using DRE is at the users own risk, and if the patches provided dont work, they can make their own, or, if other users have made some, use those.

Ive 'gotten' it from the beginning. And what Ive been saying is it isnt a problem.

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I would rather see this mod brought upto date and working in 1.0.2 than wasting time on FAR and DRE patches, that can come later and for me STOCK is more than adequate. And starwaster people might have inertia to your idea because of the way you are pushing it, you are comming across way way to aggresive.

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No you didn't, you thought they came from me.

No... I didnt. I always said we provided basic support (in the form of a module manager patch) and that if those patches were not adequate users were on their own for either making or getting adequate patches to properly support DRE. The ONLY time I ever brought up patches made by you was in reference to patches that Freeman compiled in his blogpost, which I linked when I brought up those patches. I was 100% aware that there were two patches included with the KSOS. I was aware that they were basic patches provided by Nazari (they infact have Nazari's name in them). These are the things I was aware of and the position from which I was speaking from.

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Well, as far as the patches go, helldiver did correspond with me a while ago about creating an option for the support patches in the installer. That was the whole point of my blogpost to get feedback on whether they should be included (I didn't received much, by the way) since I don't believe any one of the testers uses them. I'll be sure to include a tick box for those two specific patches (in the least) in the next version of the installer.

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