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[0.90] Kerbin Shuttle Orbiter System v4.13


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What I've been working on

-All external 3D geometry for Phase II done. Missing in the pictures are the additional laboratories and the Observation Module. These use the same 3D mesh as the General Lab you see there with some minor modifications. I'll do that once everything is UVWed to save on time (since they share the same UVs more or less).

To do

-High Resolution 3D models where needed

-UVW's and textures

-Missing parts that depend on other parts (such as the General Laboratory being UVed).

What about IVA's?

-I'll be doing the IVAs later once the external geometries are done and textured and Nazari is getting them in game.

Some questions I get asked in PMs, on the thread, or brought up:

-Are you working on a 2.5m KSO?

Yes, it's called the KSO Super 25. Eta probably not for a while. The good news is, getting it completed won't take long, in fact I believe less time than Phase II or even the KSO itself. However, once I get to it I'll then discuss details. I'm not looking for suggestions. Its fuselage has already been lathed and the features are pretty much finalized.

-I want this part in Phase II, can you make this?

No, Phase II features are done. What you see here (minus what I said is still missing up above) is it for Phase II. I'm moving along. If you followed the old KSO development thread, I move along and hate getting bogged down by requests or feature creep.

-Can you do this and that to the 3D Geometry of the KSO?

That includes scaling, cutting, or extended cargo bays. The answer is No. This is my design vision. There are plenty of examples on this thread and others of players using it as I designed it. It's a Kerbal designed shuttle. Not a copy of NASA or Buran shuttles or a shuttle built by large 5'8"+ humans. As such it is Chibi, and designed for cargo less than 1.5m. Suffice to say the KSO Super 25 will have the same love and care the KSO had and may better suit your needs if you want that size of a cargo bay.

-Can you remove parts or separate them from the SST or the KSO?

No. A lot of them use complicated animations or are set up in a way that make it difficult to simply set up a node. That includes the RCS arms of the SST (Station Service Tug).

-Will the Improved KSO Cargo Bay in Phase II, damage my flights or render any craft file or shuttle unusable?

So far in all our testing, the new cargo bay went in seamlessly with no craft file or save game breakage.


Solar Panel Comparison


Edited by helldiver
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What I've been working on

-All external 3D geometry for Phase II done. Missing in the pictures are the additional laboratories and the Observation Module. These use the same 3D mesh as the General Lab you see there with some minor modifications. I'll do that once everything is UVWed to save on time (since they share the same UVs more or less).

To do

-High Resolution 3D models where needed

-UVW's and textures

-Missing parts that depend on other parts (such as the General Laboratory being UVed).

What about IVA's?

-I'll be doing the IVAs later once the external geometries are done and textured and Nazari is getting them in game.

Some questions I get asked in PMs, on the thread, or brought up:

-Are you working on a 2.5m KSO?

Yes, it's called the KSO Super 25. Eta probably not for a while. The good news is, getting it completed won't take long, in fact I believe less time than Phase II or even the KSO itself. However, once I get to it I'll then discuss details. I'm not looking for suggestions. Its fuselage has already been lathed and the features are pretty much finalized.

-I want this part in Phase II, can you make this?

No, Phase II features are done. What you see here (minus what I said is still missing up above) is it for Phase II. I'm moving along. If you followed the old KSO development thread, I move along and hate getting bogged down by requests or feature creep.

-Can you do this and that to the 3D Geometry of the KSO?

That includes scaling, cutting, or extended cargo bays. The answer is No. This is my design vision. There are plenty of examples on this thread and others of players using it as I designed it. It's a Kerbal designed shuttle. Not a copy of NASA or Buran shuttles or a shuttle built by large 5'8"+ humans. As such it is Chibi, and designed for cargo less than 1.5m. Suffice to say the KSO Super 25 will have the same love and care the KSO had and may better suit your needs if you want that size of a cargo bay.

-Can you remove parts or separate them from the SST or the KSO?

No. A lot of them use complicated animations or are set up in a way that make it difficult to simply set up a node. That includes the RCS arms of the SST (Station Service Tug).

-Will the Improved KSO Cargo Bay in Phase II, damage my flights or render any craft file or shuttle unusable?

So far in all our testing, the new cargo bay went in seamlessly with no craft file or save game breakage.


Solar Panel Comparison


I just woke my roommate up screaming in joy at this {She was pissed} Can't wait for this!

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Is it possible to have multiple shuttles with different names? I'd like to actually be able to make my own shuttles and each have them display their own names with the textures that were provided in the OP of this thread.

It is, actually, but you need a bit of know how with the coding, since the only part with the name is the cockpit, installing each texture pack in turn, then changing the save name of each file, you can save the alternate textures, so you'll have each of the cockpits in your game.

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Those phase II models are looking sweet! I look forward to using and abusing them!

I'm not sure my question was addressed about the shuttle breaking up under stress from attempting a runway liftoff. Was having troubles with landing gear, and wings snapping off the craft while attempting to lift off. And unbreakable joints option in the alt-f12 did not do anything as it still broke apart.

Will attempt just a fully stock no other mod install and see if something is conflicting. Were it is just the squad parts, KSO parts and my fuel bay part made from the Cargo bay. I may have waaaaaaaaay too much fuel in the bay also currently have approximately same as a single orange tank in it. Will do some more tweaking and see if its mod side, or client mod vrs mod conflict.


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Those phase II models are looking sweet! I look forward to using and abusing them!

I'm not sure my question was addressed about the shuttle breaking up under stress from attempting a runway liftoff. Was having troubles with landing gear, and wings snapping off the craft while attempting to lift off. And unbreakable joints option in the alt-f12 did not do anything as it still broke apart.

Will attempt just a fully stock no other mod install and see if something is conflicting. Were it is just the squad parts, KSO parts and my fuel bay part made from the Cargo bay. I may have waaaaaaaaay too much fuel in the bay also currently have approximately same as a single orange tank in it. Will do some more tweaking and see if its mod side, or client mod vrs mod conflict.


I'm confused as to what your issue is. Did you launch the KSO with the included lifter? (KSO EFT and the LRB's).

Test the included craft file (I believe KSO v006). If you launch and get in orbit alright then it's working as intended.

If you are trying to launch it in any other configuration, including as a normal airplane from the runway, I can't help you as you are operating it outside its parameters. There are several posts on here as well as several users that can better answer how to convert the KSO into an SSTO, or Space plane.

The KSO is not an airplane or Space plane, regardless of what some posters may lead you to believe (although editing its config files to be one isn't that difficult). As such, it is not configured to take off from a runway as its weight distribution, part tolerances, and flight model wasn't balanced for that.

I do not have the time nor is it within the scope of this project to provide a true aircraft or cater to every single custom configuration every single poster desires.

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You can use the default Romfarer Buran arm and just scale the model to fit. I changed the scale to about 0.45 and it fits nicely.

I tried using this arm and rescaling it to 0.45 but its size is still the same as the original buran arm... changing things like the mass of the arm seems to get recognised by the game but changing the scale wont change the size at all :/ Somebody able to help me? :S

// --- general parameters ---
name = Buran Manipulator
module = PartRoboticArmBuran
author = BobCat Romfarer

// --- asset parameters ---
mesh = model.mu
scale = 0.45
specPower = 0.1

// --- node definitions ---
// definition format is Position X, Position Y, Position Z, Up X, Up Y, Up Z, size
node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.0, 0.01, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1
node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 0.01, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 1
// -0.05
// --- editor parameters ---
TechRequired = robotics
entryCost = 485
cost = 485
category = Science
subcategory = 0
title = KSO Robotic Arm
manufacturer = Helldiver Nazari
description = Working robotic Arm for the KSO

// attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision
attachRules = 1,1,1,0,0

// --- standard part parameters ---
mass = 0.2
dragModelType = default
maximum_drag = 0.06
minimum_drag = 0.04
angularDrag = 1
crashTolerance = 30
maxTemp = 2650
breakingForce = 6300
breakingTorque = 6300

name = LazorRoboticArmKSO


//stagingIcon = CUSTOM


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I tried using this arm and rescaling it to 0.45 but its size is still the same as the original buran arm... changing things like the mass of the arm seems to get recognised by the game but changing the scale wont change the size at all :/ Somebody able to help me? :S

// --- general parameters ---
name = Buran Manipulator
module = PartRoboticArmBuran
author = BobCat Romfarer

// --- asset parameters ---
mesh = model.mu
scale = 0.45
specPower = 0.1

// --- node definitions ---
// definition format is Position X, Position Y, Position Z, Up X, Up Y, Up Z, size
node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.0, 0.01, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1
node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 0.01, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 1
// -0.05
// --- editor parameters ---
TechRequired = robotics
entryCost = 485
cost = 485
category = Science
subcategory = 0
title = KSO Robotic Arm
manufacturer = Helldiver Nazari
description = Working robotic Arm for the KSO

// attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision
attachRules = 1,1,1,0,0

// --- standard part parameters ---
mass = 0.2
dragModelType = default
maximum_drag = 0.06
minimum_drag = 0.04
angularDrag = 1
crashTolerance = 30
maxTemp = 2650
breakingForce = 6300
breakingTorque = 6300

name = LazorRoboticArmKSO


//stagingIcon = CUSTOM


Yes. Comment out or remove the "mesh = ..." line and change your scale line back to 1.0 and add

position = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
scale = 0.45, 0.45, 0.45
rotation = 0, 0, 0

But change the "model=..." line to direct you to the model.mu file location of the part you want scaled. If I had the mod I'd give you the path but I don't.

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I'm confused as to what your issue is. Did you launch the KSO with the included lifter? (KSO EFT and the LRB's).

If you are trying to launch it in any other configuration, including as a normal airplane from the runway, I can't help you as you are operating it outside its parameters. There are several posts on here as well as several users that can better answer how to convert the KSO into an SSTO, or Space plane.

The KSO is not an airplane or Space plane, regardless of what some posters may lead you to believe (although editing its config files to be one isn't that difficult). As such, it is not configured to take off from a runway as its weight distribution, part tolerances, and flight model wasn't balanced for that.

I do not have the time nor is it within the scope of this project to provide a true aircraft or cater to every single custom configuration every single poster desires.

That hit it right on the nose, Yes I was attempting to fly her like an airplane and lift off under her own power without the main fuel tank/ boosters. I've read along from the start and noone has came straight out with a how-to to make it into a space plane. the vertical launch is smooth with the main tank and boosters but i was looking for a horizontal SSTO version. I think I'll be tweaking and reading a lot of how-to's in Kerbal modding.

Thank you for your time to respond to my question! I know your time is limited, and each second you spend here on the forums is seconds taken from modding your new stuffs.


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paramedicdoc, NICE!

I have tried 6 times to get this to work reliably. I have not yet tried a fresh install of KSP.




Near Future

SDHI Service module



With and without the listed mods, system will crash when leaving or entering the VAB when trying to work with the Mini Shuttle.

Next weekend I will try a fresh KSP.

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Have you thought about adding solar panels to the insides of the docking bay doors? Would make a neat way to deploy solar panels and still keep them out of the way.

I suggested this also, but I don't think I got a response to it. With the Cargo bay redo it "might" be possible to do but I feel the coding would be one heck of a mess.

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paramedicdoc, NICE!

I have tried 6 times to get this to work reliably. I have not yet tried a fresh install of KSP.




Near Future

SDHI Service module



With and without the listed mods, system will crash when leaving or entering the VAB when trying to work with the Mini Shuttle.

Next weekend I will try a fresh KSP.

You are RAM bursting. Upgrade your OS to Linux and use the 64-bit KSP, or remove some mods.

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Yes. Comment out or remove the "mesh = ..." line and change your scale line back to 1.0 and add

position = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
scale = 0.45, 0.45, 0.45
rotation = 0, 0, 0

But change the "model=..." line to direct you to the model.mu file location of the part you want scaled. If I had the mod I'd give you the path but I don't.

Or, just do this, less code, slightly.

// --- asset parameters ---
mesh = model.mu
scale = 1
specPower = 0.1
rescaleFactor = 0.7

All I did was add the rescaleFactor = .7 and the arm fits perfectly in the bay, and functions the exact same.

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What I've been working on

-All external 3D geometry for Phase II done. Missing in the pictures are the additional laboratories and the Observation Module. These use the same 3D mesh as the General Lab you see there with some minor modifications. I'll do that once everything is UVWed to save on time (since they share the same UVs more or less).


It's so beautiful. *Sniff* I promised myself I wouldn't cry... Damn those invisible ninjas cutting onions!

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