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Career Mode Motive

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The following is an idea mainly related to Career Mode. It relates THREE popular subjects (losing, observatories, contracts), so I thought it deserved its own thread.

Threatening Meteor(s):

Imagine there is a meteor on a collision course with Kerbin, and it will do serious damage if it hits, but you don't have the technology to stop it! This could be a potential motive for the Career Mode, or at least another motive along with others.

The Idea: Meteors threaten Kerbin. To find their locations and get a warning before they hit and cause (***EVENTS***), you have to advance your observatory tech. This observatory tech includes satellites in orbit, and upgrading your Command Center.

To stop the meteors, you have 4 meteor related items which are outlined below.

To solve a meteor problem you have the following solutions. Each one is progressively higher on the tech tree.

I: Battering Ram: Ancient technology attached to a rocket makes it pretty effective!

II: LV-N Firecracker: A LV-N engine with its fuel consumption rate switched to "Really Fast".

III: Kerbal Kompressor: Presses a bunch of Kerbals into a block, ready to be shipped at a low flat rate.

IIII: BEAM: Apparently it shoots at rocks. A note on the side says "Launch into orbit asap!".


Contracts are related because people will pay you to stop a meteor from hitting them.

Money Loss because it hits your suppliers of items, causing price increase, or hits your Command Center. There don't need to be locations on Kerbin, a meteor will just be about to hit and it will just hurt some random supplier or institution that doesn't physically exist.(unless you stop it)

There are 3 kinds of meteor.

Small: Minor Consequences (Minor Money Loss and Contracts), can be deflected with Battering Ram, or destroyed with LV-N Firecracker. A little harder to spot than the rest, least warning.

Medium: Pretty Serious Consequences (Lots of Money Loss and Contracts), can be destroyed with LV-N Firecracker. Easy to spot, reasonable time to react.

Large: Cause Most Serious Consequences (Life Ending, aka you lose). Cannot be stopped except with BEAM, you must evacuate Kerbin using the Kerbal Kompressor. Impossibly easy to spot, lots of time to react.

BEAM stops all Meteors and is a permanent solution, so long as its in orbit. But its hardest to get.

As for what happens after you evacuate Kerbin, any of the following work:


Land back at Kerbin and resume like normal(it was life ending, not planet destroying),

Land on a new planet and automatically get your base recreated there, and hope to get BEAM before the next one hits.

Why I think this idea is good:

Difficulty of Career can easily be adjusted by increasing or decreasing the frequency of meteors, as well as time before the first Large Meteor Impact, and successive impacts.

Is a pretty good motive for why these green Kerbals are trying to go into space.

Makes good use of Contracts, Losing, Money, and Observatories, if you like those things.

As a final note, lots of these ideas can be switched around and or taken out:

Maybe there should only be one meteor that you are trying to stop from the beginning, its only life ending, and once you solve it, your free.

Maybe there should not be a final solution, and its a constant threat.

Maybe there should never be a Life Ending meteor, only minor damaging ones that hurt money and contracts.

Edited by Strikerklm96
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