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Anyone else have no name ship in VAB/SPH?

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A bit more info would help. Do you mean that when you try to select a ship off the Load menu, it's just blank where the name should be but all the other ships on the list have names? I've had that happen to me. It happened because I'd clicked in the name box and deleted the default text, then hit save, so it got saved with no name.

To solve this, I just loaded the ship and saved it again under the intended name, then deleted the copy with the blank name.

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The blue box is a feature, but having no name isn't. The top box that you click on usually says "Untitled Space Craft." If you click on that, a dropdown box appears that you can type notes into.

I have had a "no name" situation. Restarting KSP fixed it.

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I know that there should be a black box that says "Untitled Spacecraft" But every single time it doesn't appear.

It's just the top blueish bar that stretches across the screen, holding all the tabs. And restarting doesn't work, either.

The blue box that drops down has no text inside, even when I click on it, and type. Same thing with the black bar (Where it should be).

It's as if the black bar is there, but invisible, and not accepting any text.

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Ahh, here is the thread. And one of the suggestions...

Do you have the Ubio Welding Mod? I had the same issue with that mod after the .23 update. If you search for that mod on the Spaceport, and scroll down to the bottom of the comments, there is a link to fix it.

Also, someone mentioned Remote Tech.

Good luck

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Bump? I really would like help.

I deleted all but two mods, and one I got after I noticed this.

It's the Enterprise mod, which I had prior, and FASA.

I'm sorry syfyguy. If it isn't a mod then the only other thing I can suggest is re-downloading or re-unzipping a fresh copy. You can make copies of your "saves" directory and put them in your fresh install. I would test it out maybe before and after moving your saves, but I would definitely test it before reinstalling mods.

Unless someone else knows why this is happening??

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