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[WIP] "Connected Living Space"- API for connected habs (new download 9 June 14)


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Can you provide logs, or screenshots, or even tell me what type of docking port it is.

To be honest the hatch code has been completely rewritten in the forthcoming release, so the resolution is likely to end up being installed the new release when it comes out.

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Here's what I mean. Its the "Standard Docking Port" from KSO. All the others seem to work just fine, it's just this one that won't acknowledge the click. I haven't tried to see if maybe it's also that obnoxious "docking port won't undock" bug, seems like similar behavior (ignoring the GUI click).

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I am not quite sure I understand your question. Docking ports have been completely reworked, so it is worth giving it a try, I expect your problem has been fixed.

Kerbal Hot Seat is a different mod. I will look into any issues it might have shortly.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Could you give an update on the colors?

I have Yellow/Blue/red parts right now (testing transfer on launch pad) and for the sake of god I cant transfer!

Even tho I removed (imho) everything that is in its way to transfer kerbals.


Edit: With picture now, when I click the ">>", only the order of them Changes in the module, but they dont transfer.


Edited by T3E
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Could you give an update on the colors?

I have Yellow/Blue/red parts right now (testing transfer on launch pad) and for the sake of god I cant transfer!

Even tho I removed (imho) everything that is in its way to transfer kerbals.


Edit: With picture now, when I click the ">>", only the order of them Changes in the module, but they dont transfer.


This us a question that needs to be asked on the Ship Manifest thread.

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Nice mod, I'm using that to run ship manifest.

Suggestion: give the possibility to turn an empty tank into a part a Kerbal can pass through.

Suggestion v. 0.1: turn an empty tank into hab, like the spacelab! (ok, maybe I went too far...)

This has been suggested before (either on this thread of the release thread. I think the way ahead for this suggestion is to develop some sort of "wet workshop" type functionality. I expect that CLS would only provide hooks for an other thread to deal with the conversion, fuel levels, does a kerbal need to do some work to convert it etc etc.

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I have an issue with transfering crew through some parts, described here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/62270-0-23-5-Ship-Manifest-%28Crew-Science-Resources%29-v0-23-5-3-2-3-11-May-14?p=1172064&viewfull=1#post1172064

It seems the issue is actually between the Science Jr. and the Radial attachment point, because it is radially attached. They seem not to be connected, surely because of the *radial* attachment:



Any ideas on how to make a MM patch that would allow Radial attachment points to actually "connect" living spaces? I know radially-connected parts are not supposed to be really connected from a CLS perspective, but that would be what the BZ-52 radial attachment point part would be for, I guess.

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Ha! I had only the .cfg files in my GameData\ConnectedLivingSpace\Plugins directory, I guess I had not extracted it, thinking I would never tinker with the .cfg files. :) Thanks for the swift answer Codepoet.

[Edit] I have added "surfaceAttachmentsPassable = true" to both stackpoint1 and science_module, but the live spaces are still disconnected. I probably did something wrong.

Edited by Korb Biakustra
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So to be more explicit - you need the latest release of CLS (, you need surfaceAttachmentsPassable = true for the part you are attaching into the surface of, and you need passableWhenSurfaceAttached=true on the part that is being attached onto the surface.

I suggest that you use CLS in the VAB to experiment to ensure that you are comfortable with how it is working, and make sure that you first confirm that you can do a surface attachment using stock parts (use the structural fuselage and the BZ-52 Radial Attachment Point attached to the surface of it). Once you are comfortable that surface attachments are working with stock parts and the standard stock.cfg file, then try to do the same thing with other parts. Good luck, and let us all know once it works, or if you need more help.

Edited to add - I have just had a closer look at your screenshots and they show to me that you are not using the latest version of CLS. Upgrade to and things should work much better for you.

Edited by codepoet
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Thanks for the details Codepoet. I updated CLS (thought it was up to date already, sorry) and it changed things, but I still have issues with connecting the living spaces. It seems it has to do with docking ports with hatch status on "Closed" but no button to open them. On some (most) other docking ports, the button is there and works. I have no idea why some of them don't work properly, they are all attached the same way.

Screenshots uploading, I'll edit.

[Edit] All right no need for screenshots, I just noticed your answer to Haifi in the release thread. I will try to decouple and then dock the nodes, but that will be tricky as my station is deprived of RCS thrusters. :D

[Edit 2] That was the cause of the issue! The .cfg files were then correct. Ffeeww. Now I have to redock 3 large areas of my station with a robotic arm, makes kind of a good "Station mission". :)

[Edit 3] Arg, the open/closed status of hatches does not persist in quicksaves, or do I have yet another issue?

Edited by Korb Biakustra
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The open / close state of the hatches should persist in the save file. The state might be lost on the upgrade to CLS1.0.4.1 as it is handled in a different way in that upgrade, but it should persist and be a bit more stable from there on in. Play the game a bit and see it it settles down for you. It might be a bit strange for each vessel the first time you fly it after the upgrade.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I have had another thought - I would welcome feedback. Would it be helpful for CLS itself to impliment and "open hatch / close hatch" functionality for docking ports? The idea is that you could dock two craft together, but the docking ports would remain impassable until you rightclicked and chose "open hatch". Obviously you could repeart this and choose "close hatch" at which point the Habitable living spaces would become joined.

The reason that this can up was that I am writing the crew random movement mod, as a way of testing is CLD provides what it needs to, and I realise that there is the chance of two kerbals randomly swapping seat just before you undock, which would be really annoying. This way you can "close the hatch" and then you know who is on which side of the hatch before you undock. It could also be useful for other features that might use CLS, such as dealing with a hull breach in a pressuriation mod, or locking a kerbal "in the brig" if his goes crazy in a sanity mod to stop him from driving everyone else nuts.


This is an old post, but I did see one screen shot after that that showed that you could open and close hatches by tweakable. Did you by any chance remove that tweakable?

I think it makes sense for me to add a Hatch Control Panel to Ship Manifest. If you are handling Open and closed via tweakable, I can add control from a central location. "Close all the air tight doors!"

That way the player can get a green board look at a vessel or station.

Edited by Papa_Joe
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Open / close hatch is available as a kspevent on the docking port part. This means that you can right click in flight and open/close them however, it is only available for docked ports, not attached ports.

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Open / close hatch is available as a kspevent on the docking port part. This means that you can right click in flight and open/close them however, it is only available for docked ports, not attached ports.

I read about that. Well, available hatches it is. Better than flying blind :).

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Are there any config file edits I could make to allow passage through connected docking ports? Even if it involves removing the "hatches" functionality altogether, I'd much rather just have a functional connection. Un-docking and re-docking may sound like a trivial nuisance, but I've run into several situations in which it's been a substantial source of frustration. The game doesn't allow immediate re-docking; the docking ports are required to move a minimum distance apart before they can re-dock. In certain designs, such as with cargo bays or saddle truss payloads, there often isn't enough room to simply back up and then re-dock. Instead, I'm forced to maneuver all the way out of the bay and back in, consuming significant monopropellant and time.

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That can't be done with .cfg files at the moment. I am working on another problem with the hatches not persisting their state (or more correctly not loading it) so while I am at it, I will look for a solution to your problem.

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I'd also enjoy a config option to disable the "closed hatch" function, as I do not use the random crew movement mod and thus have no need to close any hatches. I do, however, like to build large structures from many small modules, so I wind up spending a lot of time opening hatches.

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Another feature request: can you make it so that crew spaces remember their name, much like parts remember their original ship name? It's kind of annoying to undock a ship from a station and have to rename the crew space...

They do (or they should). Here is how it works:

When you renamed a space, that space name is stored in each of the parts that make up the space. If you then undock, redock, close hatches etc, then the name of the new space will be the space name assigned to the first part that is discovered in that space, but each of the parts still have their own stored space name, so if you reconfigure your hatches / /docking etc then you should get your original spacenames back. Ask questions if that is not clear.

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