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How to change control between lander and rover?

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I have build a lander with a rover mounted on top of it.

See screenshot below.

Now my idea to use this was to:

1. land on Mun using the main engine at the bottom of the lander

2. stand on Mun surface via the landing struts

3. Use "control from here" on lander's OKTO

4. decouple the rover from the lander and land the rover next to the lander

5. change control back to lander and EVA the kerbonaut

6. go with the kerbonaut to the rover, drive with it on the Mun

7. drive back to the lander, board, and fly back home

Steps 1-4 work fine and as intended. However, I am unable to change controls back to the lander/kerbonaut (step 5), after I have landed the rover. Maybe this is not how it is supposed to do it. But if so, how else can I accomplish this manouver?

Thanks in advance!


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Use [ and ] for objects within render range.

Do the above if you are within 2.5 km. It is by far the easiest. If you are further, than do what ThinkOutsideTheHangar said, except after you go to the map, left click (instead of right click) and select "Switch To"

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