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The Music Thread!


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If you want to share your music tastes,find new bands or genres, debate songs and bands or even just post a song to save it for later, in case you can't remember the name, this might just be the thread for you.But remember, there is no right or wrong when it comes to music, don't start fights over what someone else likes.

Personally, my favorite genres are Metal and Trance (no-voice trance, bass, no wub).Favorite sub-genres are Folk Metal (which is on top of all for me), Speed Metal and Power Metal, but it's debatable when it comes to Speed.I don't really like Folk Metal of nordic origins mainly because i absolutely hate growling (the ONLY band that makes an exception for me is Leshak), but i have a sweet-spot for bagpipes and the 'highlands' in general.My favorite band is Skiltron, mainly because i like all their songs.Other honorable mentions are Leshak, Spellblast, Falkenbach.When it comes to trance, i think my favorite artist is W&W and the various artist that make music for Touhou (we are talking about trance here).There are way too many Power Metal bands that i like to list them, but the band that got me interested was Hammerfall.

So, let get to some songs/examples.

Power Metal example:

And some folk:


I bet you never heard about this genre.Technofolk / Electrofolk:


I promise that i won't spam videos in my next replies and post 3 songs at most :D.It was hard enough to choose which songs i will have to delete since i can put a maximum of 5 per post.

Edited by SoldierHair
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Tagoma - Marek Hemmann




BB King (because he rocks!)

Infected Mushroom (who I never liked before spending 2 weeks in Koh Phangan)

So yeah, I have a really varied and weird taste in music :sticktongue:

Forgot to list Hendrix, but we all know he's the best!

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Some Hammerfall, from their Masterpieces album (which is a cover album of songs they consider 'masterpieces', hence the name).I really love their style, but sometimes i'm getting tired of the stereotypical dedication of the power metal towards fantasy, so this album comes in great.

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I like the following groups/people:

Doobie Brothers

Pink Floyd



Lights Poxleitner

Willie Nelson

Waylon Jennings

Ozzy Osbourne

Hank Williams

Jimi Hendrix

Igor Presnyakov

Red Army Choir

Monty Python (Yes, they made songs as well)

Cheech and Chong

Scott Joplin

BBC Radiophonic Music

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