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Buying pre-built space ships and space planes

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This idea would go along with money when SQUAD adds that. But the idea is pretty self explanatory. In career mode, if you have the cash, I think it would be cool if you could buy certain stock spaceships and space planes. Researching the tech tree unlocks new ships for you to buy. Tell me if you think this is or isn't a good idea!

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Rather then just buying the ship, you would be buying the parts needed to make the ships which would prevent spamming early designs with tons of the same parts.

However, I could see premade ships being unlocked as the parts needed to build them become available in the tech tree.

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It's an interesting idea. It could be similar to the space shuttle situation IRL. The US doesn't have a craft, so we pay the russians to fly us around now. Just like IRL, maybe there could be preloaded craft that you could rent for a mission.

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My idea for this: You can buy the ship or parts for the ship in limited quantities even if you don't have those parts yet, and any parts you research on your own you can make as many of as you want for free? However, and this is important, do not allow all parts to be bought in this way right away- make it as if the place you are buying these parts and or stock crafts from is just a little bit ahead of you in the tech tree, so that they have some parts you don't but so that you can't just buy an an ion engine+gigantor on the third mission and get all the science in one go. This would require making a bunch of stock ships, and maybe a separate way to access them than the regular load menu since it would be crowded.

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Like, how it works today? NASA designs the rockets, sure. But contractors build them. So, maybe, if the KASA space program bought a Kerbal-X after we unlocked all the parts, then strapped on some science, I could land on some place?

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This is a good idea especially cause it could work well in early in career when players need to have successful missions to get the ball rolling so instead of spending all of the space programs money on building a Tech 0 Mun Biome hopper a player could buy a craft that can get to orbit at a cheaper price then building it themselves.

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