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Joints Points & Confirmation

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I was building a ship, Then I discovered that if you used Tri-Adapter as a base for 3 engines, you can't reconnect 3 engines with another Tri-Adapter from the bottom of the engines then put a big tank with a big engine :(.

e.g. as joints (-E3-X)

- is fuel tank.:(

E is the first Tri-Adapter..

3 is the second Tri-Adapter upside down connecting the 3 engines for the bottom.

- is fuel tank.

X is big engine.

Also if you can make an optional confirmation step for the staging process , it would be awesome to not stage mistakenly, It might be a lock of some kind or confirmation message..... etc.

I'll tell you the scenario, some engines work better is space and some are not, I want to use nuclear reactor engines, 3 of them to be precise in stage 2, to power the ship in from orbiting and beyond, but they are so poor that can't lunch a thing from the ground :( in to the space. So they are going to orbit by a giant engine. that's why in my opinion.

It would open the doors for new ideas of designs.

Thanks for help guys regarding Tri-Adapter. but it must be in better way (allowed in the game).

Also thanks for the staging lock it helps very much. butwhat I mean e.g. I want to put password to allow stage 1 to take place (to open the parachute) some time I get confused so I stage 2 times mistakenly, e.g. I'll put pw for stage 1 so if I put it correctly and only if, then I mean it there is no mistake in that, it might need to add a check list or a manual to the game as what to do and when to do it. So I'll put password for stages which will make a huge disaster if it initiated mistakenly.

But I think Staging must be in better way. as a control panel or something better. which allow more and easier control for big and complicated ships :).

Take a look and tell me what do you think guys:


Image info:

1-Colors lines show electric connectivity.

2-Colors Boxes show module readiness.

3-purple X is a on/off switch.

4-Radio lights (show readiness status) Ready or not for launching.


For Rockets fuel, Electric Power and RCS, it can be done the same thing in another tabs.

It will allow you to design your Control Panel in similar way to Stages. I think it would be so fun!?

I hope it reach out to the Devs.

Edited by murey2
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Unfortunately you are correct with regards the tri-adapter. All parts are connected in a tree structure, which branches out from the first part you place (the 'root'), and no two branches can reconnect to make a loop. The one exception to this rule is struts, try placing very short struts linking the two parts which are not connecting the way you want.

Assuming you are on PC, alt+L locks staging. Press it again to re-enable.

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place pod: are you sure you want to do this? yes, no, cancel

place parachute on pod: are you sure you want to do this? yes, no, cancel

place decoupler: are you sure you want to do this? yes, no, cancel

place tank: are you sure you want to do this? yes, no, cancel

place engine: are you sure you want to do this? yes, no, cancel

ad infinitum...

would help persuade players to make smaller ships I guess.

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would help persuade players to make smaller ships I guess.

And why would we do that? If I want to launch my rocket with 132 solid boosters I should be penalized? In career mode this will be probably inefficient and it will drain money too fast, but otherwise, why go small if you can go big?

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Regarding the 3-adapter, check the album below - it might be of some help. Of course here you need to apply it below your decouplers, not above the three engines.

Regarding staging, there's already half second pause after each stage to allow you to pull your finger off the space key if you don't want to stage again. And there's a key (Alt-L I believe) that locks staging so pressing Space will do nothing until you unlock it again. I believe that's enough security mechanisms for the game to not stop being convenient.

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place pod: are you sure you want to do this? yes, no, cancel

place parachute on pod: are you sure you want to do this? yes, no, cancel

place decoupler: ...

ad infinitum...

"an optional confirmation step for the staging process"

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Well, the coupler thing has been addressed.

Onto staging, I think it should say "Do you want this staging set up?" in a window after you click launch, and it shows you the staging setup, and if you notice a problem you can fix it. If you want to go ahead, you click Ok and if not, you click No.

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Well, the coupler thing has been addressed.

Onto staging, I think it should say "Do you want this staging set up?" in a window after you click launch, and it shows you the staging setup, and if you notice a problem you can fix it. If you want to go ahead, you click Ok and if not, you click No.

You are totally right, and that's what I meant, but forgot to address, 90% of my time I forget to set up the staging :(. a step like that it would save a lot of time.

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