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Inefficient Rockets


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So I\'ve been trying to land a working Mun rover recently. I think I have at least a partially working rover now, I just need to get it to the Mun. So I built a lifter....with lots of RCS tanks so I don\'t run out....but then I needed stuff to lift those tanks, and this was the final result.


Those 8 huge boosters get off the ground, then the Omnipotent Bertha and 8 more large boosters take over. After the 8 boosters are ejected, four gimballing liquids kick in until Bertha is out of fuel. 4 more gimballing liquids fire once Bertha is dropped, hopefully it is nearly in orbit by then, but I don\'t really have a flight plan yet, I haven\'t been able to get very far yet because I keep trying to drop boosters at the wrong time.

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Those parts don\'t look stock. Please provide the add-on / mods list along with the .craft file if you would like others to test out your creation.

As far as efficiency, as long as the thrust/weight is equal or slightly greater than 2 while in Kerbin\'s atmosphere, you\'re doing OK.

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