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[0.17] ExPI: Space Stations [0.4], Interplanetary Probes [0.1.2]


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So, does this have some sort of docking hack using the plugin system? Or do you have to build the whole thing on the ground and launch as is?

Also, are the solar arrays animated?

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So, does this have some sort of docking hack using the plugin system? Or do you have to build the whole thing on the ground and launch as is?

Also, are the solar arrays animated?

until now you have to launch the whole thing, it can be quite difficult to do so, especially while using big ass stations 8)

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until now you have to launch the whole thing, it can be quite difficult to do so, especially while using big ass stations 8)

I presume you mean 'for now' not 'until now'...

In that case, bring on 0.15!

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So, does this have some sort of docking hack using the plugin system? Or do you have to build the whole thing on the ground and launch as is?

Also, are the solar arrays animated?

Currently, you have to launch the entire thing as is. Once docking is released though, you will be able to launch the modules individually and dock them.

And no, the solar panels aren\'t animated yet. Once animation support is officially added (instead of rotating a single piece of the part) I will animate it, along with the radiator and any other part that will need animation.

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Guest meteorite 101

hey Pelf i have a request extendable solar panels so the station parts can fit into the rocket

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Well I cheated and put this big guy in orbit around the moon.

Very nice work on the modeling. Can wait till docking is released. Suppose I\'ll have to figure out how to rendezvous in orbit before then. >.<


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  • 2 weeks later...

Just posting to let everyone know that this is still alive. I haven\'t been working on station parts much recently because I\'ve been caught up with modeling a rocket. It\'s going to be called the Universal Launch System (ULS). I also just started a second launch system for small, lightweight payloads. And on top of that I want to make some cool satellite parts at some point. Just so you all know what to expect by way of a planned release order:

  • [li]Finished ULS[/li]
    [li]Updated Station Parts[/li]
    [li]Near-Finalized Station Parts Pack (probably after 0.15)[/li]
    [li]Second Launch System[/li]
    [li]Satellite Parts[/li]

The final release of the station parts pack will come later and probably won\'t be until after animation support is added in. Or maybe a plugin will take care of it and the final release can be expected to come sooner. The release order isn\'t final by any means. Now onto some media:

The ULS concept design:






In the last image you can see the capsule fairings. They have a hole in the top for capsules to stick out. The parts will get textures before they\'re released to help me learn how to texture so I can finally get around to texturing the station parts. :P

That\'s all for now. I\'ll keep you all updated.


And the OP is pretty out of date. I\'ll get around to refreshing it sometime in the near future.


And there is no second stage in the images above. I haven\'t gotten them ingame yet.

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Where do I put the command capsule so that it is hidden??

Put a mechjeb on it and a decoupler. You can just detach the capsule after you get it in orbit and the mechjeb will let you continue to interact with it,

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Sometime soon I\'m going to make all of the modules have a 'command pod' version as well so that you don\'t have to have a capsule to put it into space and it won\'t be considered debris.

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Well this new rocket is taking longer than expected. I\'ve been busy with school and Battlefield 3, but I have made progress. I have since mostly finished the second stage engine and the interstage and I\'ve started on the second stage fuel tank, RCS tank, and SAS. It\'s not much but it\'s something. I also need to remodel the first stage engine a bit because it\'s a little too high-poly at the moment. Then I need to texture everything. Hopefully I will have something to show off soon.


May as well show off the second stage so far:



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  • 2 weeks later...

I\'m having trouble figuring out how to make the second stage engine thrust-vectorable so I took a break from the rocket to work on the space station parts. I\'ve mostly been remodeling ugly parts and detailing more.

New detail on modules (not much):


New service module:


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Release release release!

I\'ll probably do a release right before 0.15 comes with everything I\'ve done up to that point and then do another small one after with docking capability added to the parts that need it (common berthing mechanism, docking port).

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  • 2 weeks later...

Work has been slow recently due to school. Here\'s what I\'ve managed to do in the past week or so:

New 2x2 meter module:


Remodeled service module is now in-game, although definitely not finished:


And a portrait of what will be in the next release as of now:


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