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Kerbal Construction Time/StageRecovery Dev Thread


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Haha! I tried to make the hovering over the button have it pop up but appear to have made it stop working at all. That's what I get for not testing builds before releasing them. I'm short on time, but I'll put up another build that will at the very least let you use the build list.

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Some odd problems on Build 20 with RSS. Made a plane and added it to the list but mistakenly forgot to select a launch pad first. For some reason it showed up in the build list for the SPH no matter what pad was selected and lanchable (if by design, good safety feature :) ). When using warp to complete it would finish then bounce back 2 days to go and give 2 entries of completion. Manually accelerating time it completed correctly, but still gave 2 notices.

Recovering while in the tracking station worked correctly under RSS now. whew! :)

Going into updates no longer freezes things without closing the built list. For some reason though had a problem hit somewhere that locked all the buildings and camera from moving and would not allow proper exit. Looking at the debug I saw KCT was saving many times and some on pads I hadn't done anything with during the test then a NRE. Since it wasn't there before and this is in testing, I'm guessing this is the most likely cause. Sooo, you get a log :)


Will see how things worth continuing a save game and without RSS now.

EDIT: Continuing game has some fixed things, and some new things.

First up, rollout works now with already completed ships. One thing down :)

At first, it showed upgrades being carried over. However, after the first time trying to build a new ship it reverted to no upgrades. Odd one :P

I thought adding ships to the build list weren't working, as there was no notification of the addition to the list as there usually is. However, they were added just silently it seems.


Edited by JeffreyCor
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It is possible there can be something else goofy, I can check the release build against my RSS environment to see if it is a change causing something to go goofy or something with another mod causing it. RSS wasn't one of my usual mods (though after using it for testing it looks very interesting :) ) Certainly would be better if we had more setups testing but unfortunately that hasn't happened. :(

Something seems to be going very goofy with regard to upgrade points on continuing saves. Tried two things and in both upgrade points reset themselves.

First check: Checked and all ships and upgrades had carried over, rolled out a ship already built, once rollout was finished selected launch, from the flight screen returned to space center. Upgrade points had all reset.

Second check: Spend upgrade points for testing, went into tracking station, recovered ship from first check sequence (recovery worked flawlessly), returned to space center. Again all the upgrade points had reset.

I think that could get annoying in general use ;)


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Just did a run though with RSS and only had 1 problem, but I was unable to reproduce the problem after it happened. :P When testing simulations, simulating in orbit one time resulted in no crew being placed in the ship. Multiple subsequent tried however all worked correctly. I'm of course including the log but I think this can be considered a weird fluke rather than an actual bug. :)


EDIT: Forgot to include, recovery from flight did give the option to recover the ship to storage. I remember that was a debug only option for a while but believe later you mentioned removing it. Not sure if this one is a bug, intended, or an oops. :)

Edited by JeffreyCor
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Probably just a fluke, hopefully. You will have the option to recover to storage if you have the "debug" mode on in the settings (except when recovering in the tracking station since that's bugged) so if you have that on you'll still be getting those. I figure it is "technically" functional, just not developed to the point that it is suitable for normal use.

I'm working on getting older saves to upgrade properly (and not every single time).

Edit: New build should fix the issues with upgrading existing saves. Some caveats that aren't worth adding a bunch of changes to fix: You HAVE to have at least one ship building or in storage, otherwise it all resets. Reconditioning doesn't count, it'll still reset with only an active reconditioning.

Edited by magico13
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Good news!! Updating from an excising game is working!! :D That last bug with the resetting upgrades has been squished. And since the new build only had to do with the code for existing games and RSS tests looked good, that means it's a green light :D This calls for a happy dance :)

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Woo! There's only one more thing that really needs tested: procedural part support.

You don't need to have full RSS installed to test, just at least procedural fuel tanks (but fairings and wings are good ideas too). I'd turn the overall modifier waaay down to 0.0001 since the build times aren't that important.

Every instance of parts being added/removed from the inventory should be tested. The ones I can think of off the top of my head are:

  • Building ships in the editor (removes from inventory)
  • Duplicating ships that have used parts from the inventory (removes parts)
  • Recovering ships (from any scene) (adds parts)
  • Scrapping ships (completed ones for sure should ad parts, partially completed ones should return any inventory parts used AND give some parts to the inventory based on how complete it was)

The corresponding github issue for this is here

I've got to do a quick change to check for the procedural module and not just "procedural" in the name, since apparently procedural fairings doesn't actually say "procedural" just "proc", so that won't work with the current scheme.

Edit: That build should be up now. I've got another 7 hour drive (back home this time) to do, so I won't be around as much today.

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Getting that mod now. I hope your drive goes well :)

EDIT: Proc parts are recovering, but multiplying like tribbles :P

put 1 Procedural tank on with none in inventory, built then recovered ship, I now have 612499 in inventory :P

Same with the procedural life support tank, built 1 and on recovery now have 24524.

Interestingly, procedural wings worked without any problem. Built 4 with 4 control surfaces, and got 4 of each back as should be.

This problem is also applying to RealChutes parts I found. I suddenly have 76520 RealChute nose chutes. This is one heck of a return on investment ;)

These were recovery from a full build then scrap for the fastest turnaround on the initial test (after I blew up my first ship. oops! :P )


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It did with scrap, but not with recover. A launch recovery resulted in no recovered parts (proc or realchute). Was testing that while you were posting. :)

Proc wings do not give giant amounts, they are giving 1 for 1.

Scrap recovery gives a huge amounts (apart from wings noted above) but flight screen recovery after launch gives no parts recovery on them, the total opposite of a large number ;)


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I didn't try actually launching, just putting a pod with a RC parachute on it on the pad (and recovering through flight, the space center, and the tracking station) and was still getting parts correctly. Looking at the log it appeared to only be procedural parts for you for some reason, so I added a bit of debug info to see if the costs are being calculated correctly. I also probably made the editor display the amount of PP currently in use more properly. Otherwise not much else in build 25. It seems to be getting fairly stable, knock on wood... :P

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Well, the good news is nothing seems to have broken with Build 25 ;)

That bad news, procedural parts are not being recovered after launch (sitting on runway), but they are if a ship is scrapped. This was tested on both an existing save and a fresh one.

Chutes, proc fairings, and proc wings are being recovered so it at least seems to narrow things down to just PP. ( hehe pee pee :P )

The number of parts shown is still huge on all proc items and RC. The usage seems to just about match. so while 30,000 parts might be recovered it also shows 30,000 parts used when building the ship.

Had an odd glitch where building a ship did not give a notice but again only a single occurrence. Unless this starts to show more often I'm just including it as an FYI note.


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Is there a setting or version that makes this mod compatible with Kerbinside? I thought I would just uncheck the setting that said "override launch button" then wait until my craft was done then just launch it from the SPH but now my launch button is greyed out and I can't launch at all. Would the RSS version of this mod allow me to select a different launch site?

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Kerbal Konstructs (and thus Kerbinside) are not currently explicitly supported, but they are also not incompatible (unless there was recently a change in how they worked so that they also use the launch button). To pick launch sites you use the button on the Stock toolbar. Whichever launch site is the active one when you press KCT's launch button is the one that will be used. Just go into the VAB/SPH, change the launch site to the one you want, then launch your craft. I plan on adding explicit support for KK later, but they made it so you can't open the launch selector from any view other than the editor, which will make it much harder. Also, disable reconditioning since it doesn't make sense with multiple launch sites.

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I believe the only issue remaining is with Procedural Parts not recovering. The number shown for fairings and chutes seems more cosmetic than functional as they do recover and are reused. Without opening the list of parts one wouldn't know the amount doesn't match what is actually on the ship built.

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  JeffreyCor said:
I believe the only issue remaining is with Procedural Parts not recovering. The number shown for fairings and chutes seems more cosmetic than functional as they do recover and are reused. Without opening the list of parts one wouldn't know the amount doesn't match what is actually on the ship built.

I'm wondering if the costs are perhaps being set to zero for the parts themselves. What's baffling me is that the debug info I put in wasn't being printed, despite the fact that you were running the latest version. I want to do some testing myself, which is why I haven't pushed this as the full release, but this is the last week of classes and I have finals next week, so I am currently very preoccupied :(

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Any one else have a bug when they go to "edit" a currently building ship, go ahead make the changes you wanted, then click the "save edits" button.. Nothing happens, it doesn't take me back to the Space Center or even no text to say "saved" . Happens every time with me, so my only option is to click "cancel edits" but it restarded the build time on the ship I was trying to edit.

Using build 25

32x KSP

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JefferyCor, if you could take a look at that for me just to confirm, but it wouldn't surprise me at all if that happened. I should be able to get back to dev work after Monday, but until then don't expect any further progress. Thanks for helping with the testing Juggernaut!

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Hey no worries, great mod mate. This really adds another level to depth to the game. I have an update to my last post, the SPH doesn't encounter the same problem. Just the VAB so far for me, and also i've only managed to make the build clock for 1 spacecraft restart by pressing cancel edit and it was after simulating it (all in the edit mode). I'll try see if i can make it do it again, if not.. Well no problem.

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I'll recheck with the latest build, but haven't had this problem previously. Might have been a new bug that snuck in while other things were fixed.

Juggernaut, the additional information is a big help as well! It's great to have someone else helping with testing :) If it happens again if you can grab the Output_log.txt file from the KSP_Data folder that would be a great help. Thanks again and welcome to the team :)

UPDATE: Tried both the simulation during editing for time reset and the editing ship under construction. Both worked properly during testing.

Juggernaut, are you using this with RSS? Don't think it should matter but it's one of the big ones we're testing compatibility with. If not if you can give me a list of what mods you are using I can see what you have that I don't for what could possibly be conflicting and causing this problem.

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Welp, looks like 0.90 will be out on Tuesday since they've released the NDA and are letting youtubers release videos, that means you're all gonna get roped into testing the 0.90 version of KCT after 0.90 releases. KCT 1.1 will only be fully released for 0.90 I guess :P

Other than simple compatibility, I'm going to try to put time limits on upgrading and repairing buildings. If that's too difficult then I'll release 1.1 without it and add it into either 1.2 or 1.1.1.

Squad, if you're listening I'd love to get some early access to 0.90 tomorrow (Monday) so I can make KCT available ASAP for the full release ;) Otherwise, looks like we'll be playing catch up.

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