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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Are mods that add additional bases like KerbinSide compatable? Could be a temporary solution for survey contracts bug.. Just purchase and take off from the closest base.
  2. I thought you should be using realfuels along with the stockalike engine configs with this and that should counter the stock changes? Though if you don't want to deal with over 20 different types of fuels you'll need another type of config adjustment. On another note... I read the issues page on Kopernicus' github. Saw that the career bug has been identified now, is that correct?
  3. G'day guys I'm not sure if this has been discussed already, but I was wondering if there is already a quick(ish) patch or config I can add to make this compatible with regolith/Scansat etc. All i'm after is a means to detect and measure the amount of resources seeing as my Gamma-Ray Spectrometer doesn't map anything or (less preferably mind you) show the big half spheres from orbit.
  4. Hey just curious if anyone else gets snow rolling through at the KSC, i'm assuming it's only meant to be at the poles of Kerbin, Layth and Duna. Haven't tried the other 2 planets but I can if needed. Anyone else encountered this yet? I'm still running AVP V2 on 0.25 32x version and will continue to until KSPI is updated (which will be a while) so a fix would be nice but obviously not urgent.
  5. Hey no worries, great mod mate. This really adds another level to depth to the game. I have an update to my last post, the SPH doesn't encounter the same problem. Just the VAB so far for me, and also i've only managed to make the build clock for 1 spacecraft restart by pressing cancel edit and it was after simulating it (all in the edit mode). I'll try see if i can make it do it again, if not.. Well no problem.
  6. Any one else have a bug when they go to "edit" a currently building ship, go ahead make the changes you wanted, then click the "save edits" button.. Nothing happens, it doesn't take me back to the Space Center or even no text to say "saved" . Happens every time with me, so my only option is to click "cancel edits" but it restarded the build time on the ship I was trying to edit. Using build 25 32x KSP
  7. Yeah just installed v1.44 of teakscale and it works again. I was thinking it couldn't be Interstellar as it hasn't changed or modified in months.. had to be something in the last few weeks.
  8. Any one got a solution for the air intakes not placing when adding 2x to aircraft? When I sometimes manage to get 1 to attach properly i go to lauch/simulate and it does the annoying "lets view the inside of the planet" glitch.. Happens regaurdless if it's stock or B9 intakes, i've deleted warp plugin folder and it works properly even with the numerous other mods i have installed but put interstellar back on and it's back to the same problem. I know there are a few other people with this problem but I couldn't find any posts related to resolving them which is why i thought i'd clutter the feed/forum with my whinging. The squeaky wheel gets the oil
  9. Hey guys small problem I have my 2.5 aegletes producing power for my beamed power network but for some reason it's not consuming the ThF4 even after 22 of time warp on the vessel still says its has 1200 units left in the reactor with 568 days remaining. Any codes or fixes that i don't know about? http://i.imgur.com/XqoY6Sp.png
  10. Hey I have a small problem with my nuclear fuel consuption. It doesn't want to consume any of my ThF4 in my Fission Reactor even after time warping for a few day while focused on the vessel. Some actinides were produced but even after 21 day in use at 95% of max output it still has 1200 ThF4 remaining. Any codes or fixes I don't know about?
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