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Kerbal Construction Time/StageRecovery Dev Thread


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The first thing is a non-issue, KCT can't check for updates but that's not too bad. The second thing is a concern though, but I'd really need to log to figure it out (since the in-game log doesn't print stack traces).

From the post linked in the first post, here is the location of the log on Linux: ~/.config/unity3d/Squad/Kerbal\ Space\ Program/Player.log

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thanks for the link

update : just tried STOCK ksp 0.90 with only KCT and the problem was still there was from the first launch. i'll find that log file for you

EDIT : i use ubuntu solely for KSP, i admit i can't even manage to find the log file despite having the folder location. linux is simply obscure to me. instead of helping out with some feedback you're having to hold my hand the whole way through.. sorry :(

Edited by Maars
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If you are using the equivalent to the windows explorer you need to remeber the path for this log is hidden. If I remeber fine you should use CTRL+H in the exploer in order to view hidden folders and be able to acces the log (.config is hidden If I remember fine.

Maybe this helps:


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All .Anything files/folders are hidden in Linux by default. CTRL-H will let you see hidden folders, or you can press CTRL-L and enter the path (without the file itself, so end with Program/ ) to go straight to the folder.

Or open a terminal and type "cp (the path from above) ~/Desktop" (without quotes) to copy the file to your desktop.

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  Maars said:
thank you kind sirs, i now head off to hunt for the hidden player log file. be back soon

Welp, I feel silly. I accidentally left some code in that doesn't work in 0.90 for a feature I was working on but ran into issues with. I had planned on keeping it available if the user had the "Debug Messages" setting active, but 0.90 broke all of it so I meant to disable it. I apparently missed a spot, but it should be fixed in build 45.

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if it's rolling back before rollout, then you never get to launch the rocket, right? it just keeps going back to rollout status in an endless loop? cos that's the problem here.

downloaded the latest candidate and will test in a moment. i don't replace the latest candidate dll with the beta? - just to confirm

EDIT : ok, the same is now happening with the rollback as you described, i can go through the rollout-rollback stage and still launch. however, i'm still not able to recover craft - at first i could but after a few missions it started happening again


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Hope you're having a great Christmas Eve :) Got a chance to run some testing and it seems to fix the rollout issue with new ships built. Existing ones will still seem to have a rollback first but those will filter out in short order as ships are used. You seem to be really on a roll :)

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  JeffreyCor said:
Hope you're having a great Christmas Eve :) Got a chance to run some testing and it seems to fix the rollout issue with new ships built. Existing ones will still seem to have a rollback first but those will filter out in short order as ships are used. You seem to be really on a roll :)

So far it has been an enjoyable one. I'm playing some mostly Stock KSP in 0.90 to get a better feeling for it. The new contracts have required me to do some weird maneuvering, like trying to get below 8.5km around the Mun while going orbital speeds all for a crew report worth 0 science :P Also, due to the still broken Outsourced Science strategy I have way more science than I can spend (I unlocked Tier 2 R&D, bought everything I could, then still had 6000 science left). I'm low on funds though.

The fix for the rollout issue was simple, I just had the removal code in the wrong place so it was removing the rollout, then loading the save file (thus recreating the rollout). I just had to move it to after the save being loaded. But I also fixed some other issues I saw in some logs.

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Using the latest RC and the Build#48 dll I still can't recover a vessel. It adds the money and science, but the vessel is still out there and no parts are added to the KCT inventory. Recovery works without problems after removing the mod.

[KCT] Adding recovered parts to Part Inventory (Filename: C:/BuildAgent/work/d63dfc6385190b60/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 49)

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

at KerbalConstructionTime.KCT_Utilities.<PartIsProcedural>m__10 (.ProtoPartModuleSnapshot m) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at System.Collections.Generic.List`1[ProtoPartModuleSnapshot].GetIndex (Int32 startIndex, Int32 count, System.Predicate`1 match) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at System.Collections.Generic.List`1[ProtoPartModuleSnapshot].Find (System.Predicate`1 match) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at KerbalConstructionTime.KCT_Utilities.PartIsProcedural (.ProtoPartSnapshot part) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at KerbalConstructionTime.KCT_Utilities.AddPartToInventory (.ProtoPartSnapshot part) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at KerbalConstructionTime.KCT_Events.vesselRecoverEvent (.ProtoVessel v) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at EventData`1[ProtoVessel].Fire (.ProtoVessel data) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at VesselRetrieval.recoverVessel (.Vessel v) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at VesselRetrieval.recoverVessels () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at VesselRetrieval+.MoveNext () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

(Filename: Line: -1)

Other part mods used: MKS/OKS, Karbonite/Karbonite+, EPL, TAC-LS, DRE, Procedural Fairings

ModuleManager 2.5.4

EDIT: Tried it with stock GameData, only KCT added and didn't run into this problem for the few launches I tried. What mods could mess with the file names? Active Texture Management or ModuleManager?

Edited by Methusalem
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I thought I fixed that issue in build 48 (which is after RC2). I've seen it reported twice before and both cases said that recovery worked fine with build 48 but not RC2. I might get a chance to do some work today, but as you can probably imagine I've been a bit preoccupied the last few days.

I was under the impression that it was due to the part not having any part modules, but maybe it's also something else.

Edit: Build 49 (whatever the latest is now) added some additional checks which should hopefully help prevent this.

JeffreyCor (or anyone else) can you check if real fuels volatiles are boiling off when they shouldn't be (ie, liquid oxygen)? I though that was fixed, but someone was reporting it wasn't on github.

Edited by magico13
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  magico13 said:
Someone reported a similar issue with less detail previously, but I'll take a look specifically with simulations.

I can get a more complete report if you want, but it seemed really simple. I am in a brand new game, so doing the things like "launch a vessel". I'll build a rocket in the VAB, do simulate and see the contract complete. I end the simulation, then schedule the rocket for completion but contract stays completed.

A first guess is since things like that, and the altitude records, are handled as "Achievements" maybe that is throwing a loop on things?

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  Agathorn said:
I can get a more complete report if you want, but it seemed really simple. I am in a brand new game, so doing the things like "launch a vessel". I'll build a rocket in the VAB, do simulate and see the contract complete. I end the simulation, then schedule the rocket for completion but contract stays completed.

A first guess is since things like that, and the altitude records, are handled as "Achievements" maybe that is throwing a loop on things?

I'll take a look and see if I can figure anything out on my own before asking for any more info. It's strange to me that it's having issues, since the contracts are saved into the save file, which the simulations copy upon starting and overwrite upon completion. I'm about to fire up KSP and see what I can find.

Edit: Cannot reproduce. With a fairly minimal install of KSP+KCT+StageRecovery+ActiveTextureManagement+ModuleManager+AnchoredDecouplerFix (aka, my standard testing install) the Launch a New Vessel contract reappeared after every simulation I did (launch landed on Kerbin with 15 minute time limit).

If you can get me a log or some more info, I'll see what I can do.

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  magico13 said:
I'll take a look and see if I can figure anything out on my own before asking for any more info. It's strange to me that it's having issues, since the contracts are saved into the save file, which the simulations copy upon starting and overwrite upon completion. I'm about to fire up KSP and see what I can find.

Edit: Cannot reproduce. With a fairly minimal install of KSP+KCT+StageRecovery+ActiveTextureManagement+ModuleManager+AnchoredDecouplerFix (aka, my standard testing install) the Launch a New Vessel contract reappeared after every simulation I did (launch landed on Kerbin with 15 minute time limit).

If you can get me a log or some more info, I'll see what I can do.

Ok let me dig into it then and see what I can find.

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  JeffreyCor said:
I have also tried simulations and did not have this problem occur, even with many many more mods ;) Would you be using Mission Control by chance?

No on mission control.

- - - Updated - - -

And of course now that I try to reproduce it, it doesn't happen.

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