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how much was the game when you bought it?


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12 € in a steam sale last year (maybe summersale 2013?) I had it on my whishlist as a "interresting" game, in early-access stadium v.020 or 0.21 didnt know excactly. Didn't know anything about it, but it contains space, and rockets, so I bought it. It downloaded in the background and a few days after that, short before go to bed I just wantet to test what I have bought... I skipped the tutorials, (hadn't any time for that wanted go to bed), just went to the VAB, trialed and error the first rocket, and get hooked... so has KSP stolen my first hours of sleep :D

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I remember discovering about the game one morning through a steam sale, downloading the demo, playing the heck out of the demo, then buying the game by the evening because I couldn't stop playing it xD. It was around 13 USD for the sale back then, with the full price at around 22 USD or something similiar. Best purchase of my life.

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A buddy of mine emailed me about it and apologized for how much time I'd spend playing. I downloaded the demo then bought the game the same night. I think it was $12 something. That was just about two years ago, I believe. Amazing how much the game has changed.

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I bought the game in December 2011. Back then I think they were asking something like $10 to pre-order the game including all future updates but you could put in whatever amount you liked; I paid $20 to help support a game I already thought was amazing.

I bought a gift code for a friend in January 2013, for $23.

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