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Getting Rovers from the SPH to the VAB

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Hi guys,

I'm relatively new, and I'm working on my rover construction. I like to build the rover in the SPH, because symmetry is keen, but then I can't load up the ship in the VAB to put it on a launch vehicle. Can someone help me not be stupid anymore? Thanks!

Edited by marzipandancer
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The two construction buildings save separately; you have to save the rover as a sub assembly, which you can then put on a rocket in the VAB. But before you build the rover, keep in mind that the piece you select to start the craft cannot be dragged into the sub assembly folder.

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Start out with a piece you will not use. That's your root part. Build your rover extending from that piece and then copy it to the sub-assembly. Just remember that you'll attach the sub-assembly from whatever part was attached to the root in the SPH to wherever you want to attach to your rocket in the VAB.

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Alt-tab back to windows, open explorer and browse to your KSP\saves folder, go into your *savename*\SPH folder and copy the ship save file

browse to your *savename*\VAB folder and paste it in there, you can then load it in the VAB

Copying the files using this method will allow you to pull the whole rover over. The files are in the saves/ships/SPH (or VAB).

Each method has its advantages/disadvantages. Try them both.

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But before you build the rover, keep in mind that the piece you select to start the craft cannot be dragged into the sub assembly folder.

I just wanted to point out that this is not 100% true. You can keep your root part as long as it still has an exposed attachment point.

I had to figure this out the hard way before I joined this forum and even learned what a root part was. When I first tried to build a pair of rovers to stick on the sides of a ship I did what most people would do: I started with a probe core, put girders on the front and back, wheels on the girders, slap on a seat, lights, batteries, and... Unable to save part as sub assembly.

:bangs head on keyboard:

But... If you start with a probecore, and leave it as ether the "nose" or "tail" of your rover, and leave one side of it open, it will let you save it as a sub assembly. Stupid I know, but it works.

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