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How to adjust ASAS Roll power?

Guest TonyZ

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Once I\'m out a ways at very high speed my craft begins rolling left 1 1/2 revolutions then snaps to the right for 3 revolutions, then 3 left, 3 right....

It\'s a lot like a rubber band winding up/down/up.

This keeps up indefinitely and after an amount of time it becomes impossible to time warp because of this motion. What 'K' parameter is roll? I\'d like to dial this aSAS in.

Made it out to 1,339T though.

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None of them. The K-parameters determine how hard the (A)SAS tries to correct any deviation (pitch, yaw, and roll) from its setpoint.

That said, this sounds sort of like the issues others have seen with rounding errors at high distances/speeds. Do a search for 'gravapocalypse' or 'deep space kraken?'

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None of them. The K-parameters determine how hard the (A)SAS tries to correct any deviation (pitch, yaw, and roll) from its setpoint.

That said, this sounds sort of like the issues others have seen with rounding errors at high distances/speeds. Do a search for 'gravapocalypse' or 'deep space kraken?'

Yea... Aware of that issue... I\'m not losing control of the vessel on pitch or yaw and inputs remain correct so I figured it\'s not the same issue... I just need more SAS Force or something.

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Actually in your case, its just overcorrecting, and trying to come back to center. Next time turn off your engines and drift, then turn off ASAS and stop your rotation, and then turn it back on, it will 'forget' the stored rotations its trying to correct.

(IE: if you roll 4 times under power with ASAS on, it will try to reverse roll 4 times to bring it back, even though 1 roll, or even a partial, would resume the original heading)

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Next time turn off your engines and drift, then turn off ASAS and stop your rotation, and then turn it back on, it will 'forget' the stored rotations its trying to correct.

I\'ll give that a shot, thanks for the suggestion.

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The roll was only when ASAS was on? o_O

It rolls as the aSAS is on. Since the ship is manageable with it off, I\'ll see what happens if I don\'t use it for a while.

I didn\'t realize when I said 'I\'ll try that' that I have 'tried' that. The problem keeps manifesting, this is why I want to strengthen the aSAS.

I disable aSAS and correct the roll, when I re-enable aSAS the roll reappears after some time, just a degree one way then a correction by 2 degrees, then an over-correction of 3 degrees, then an over-correction of 4 degrees... Over time this manifests into 6 full rolls lock-to-lock, over and over...

Each time I disable aSAS to correct, things get a bit more interesting but remain manageable, there does come a point though where after correcting the roll I get the 'cannot warp while under acceleration.' message. and nothing I do will allow me to time warp higher than 2x.

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Kp is actually the damping coefficient, Kd is damping the damping, due to the slightly odd setup of having ASAS wrt angular momentum, rather than direction * angular inertia.

Ah! Glad I came here before I started. Kp\'s going up, Kd is going down.

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All right, 30 million meters per second and rolling at 1 1/2 turns lock-to-lock. Got a bit of fine tuning to do but going in the right direction now...

Thanks for the help / suggestions. Greatly appreciated.

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