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Making a CyberNation: Kingdom of Aeroxiana


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Yes. I'm making a country on 5 terabytes of space. To put this in a nutshell:


1. Gotten 5 terabytes of storage, acts as country's territory.

2. Finished site.

3. Finished constitution for rights of the citizen of KoA.

4. Finished tree of government.

5. Setup government correctly.

6. Posted this on this forum and perhaps might do so on other forums of other games that I play A LOT on.

I've worked on this all day. It is run by a King (me), and then a Vice King who is elected every 5 years.

Laws are a major work in progress, but the constitution writes out the rights of the citizen, as I said up there.

I hope you apply to the site, as for if you become a member, you are an official citizen of the CyberNation.

Enjoy the fun on it when it gets popular, if ever it will, which I hope we get a stable population of at least 100.

Perhaps if we get 5000 citizens and I upgrade the space to 25 terabytes, I will enter the nation into the UN (I doubt we would make it, but it'll be fun trying, think of the possibilities.)!

Site: http://www.kingdomofaeroxiana.webs.com

The site is currently on a public domain, if I get 75 members, I will upgrade it to my own custom domain from Webs.

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