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Tylo Lander Mission (with Vall and Bop too)


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Completed my very long Jool mission, landing and returning from Tylo, Vall, and Bop. This was the first time I landed on Tylo but I didn't find it to be that difficult, not as much so as returning from Eve anyways.

Good mission. As to landing on Tylo, it seems the main difficulty lies in doing it with a reusable SSTO lander, especially if you put a capsule on it. Like if for some twisted reason you wanted to establish a base there and required regular traffic between ground and orbit.

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Well done! I'm continually impressed by the tiny size of the Tylo landers I see. Mine was twice that size and still struggled.

I feel the same way. I thought my Tylo lander was good back when I did it, but I think I could do it with a smaller ship now. But I'd want a minimal capsule and more habitat space/rover for surface exploration.

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