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My Mothership Design


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Hi, recently I have been playing a lot of eve online and after seeing a lot of the huge ships and capital ships in the game I wanted to build something on a larger scale that could be thought of as a mother ship.

My ship comes with a huge fuel amount, 8 drone/probes which each come with plenty of fuel and a full compliment of science equipment and a docking port so they can be dropped off in orbit of other planets and either sit there as a satellite or be an orbiting science station which future ships that I send can dock with and then take down to the surface to use or even just use as electric recharge/refuel stations if needed.

The final part of it is the main central section. The central section can be ejected off the main body of the craft and has the majority of the batterys, a science lab, all the science stuff needed and 8 crew.

Both main ships come with either nuclear power or main rocket power depending on whether it needs to be quick or if I need to conserve fuel to give options for speed etc (although I like to think of it as impulse power and warp speed ^^)

The whole thing can be viewed at http://youtu.be/OEU5BThnHsc where I give a full demonstration of fuel efficiency of all parts and talk about it more in depth, giving a full talk on life of engines, show how long each part will take at full nuclear acceleration to reach duna and give a good look at it in general.

Thanks for checking it out, let me know what you think, its a work in progress and this is the mk2, my next will maybe have a bit more fuel, some changed to the pods to allow the kerbals to sit on or get in them and flip the probe parts around so that they work properly (currently you need to accelerate backwards due to them being fitting the wrong way around) and im sure I will think of some other stuff to change, its a pain to get into orbit of kerbin atm with 100% fuel in the main ship so whatever changes I make for the mk3 will probably be final. Any tips are very welcome!!

The main showcase of the stuff starts around the 10 minute mark, until then its talking about the ship and showing some of the stuff on it but if you want to skip straight to the showing of the main tests etc, skip to 10 mins :)

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Impressive, but...

One of ONI's black projects. Major changes have occurred to both the ships and frigates since this post to increase ship length to about 2.2 km.

The Infinity is also progressing along. This is just the bottom section for the frigates.

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Edited by andrew123
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how does any computer run that O_o, on my youtube channel I show a ship I built that looks like the stargates Prometheus ship and its like 600 parts and is unflyable (mainly due to instability but LAG) and some of the bigger rockets ive launched have been close to 700 parts and been running at like 1 frame every second and at 10% speed or something :/

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