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Net Neutrality

Mr. Pseudonym

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Okay guys. I live in the outskirts in Austin. It's a really nice neighborhood, but there's a problem. Just some background info for later in this piece here.

Now, not trying to turn anything here politics-oriented. But we here have all (well, at least, most) heard of the US Supreme Court striking down Net Neutrality. This is HUGE. Worse than SOPA or PIPA. Not because it's really bad. They're both equal. But this is different. Instead of the government blocking websites, the ISPs are blocking it. Making money off of our misery (funny how no one in America cares about anything, but when someone kills your internet, there's hell to pay). This is (at least, I would consider it,) worse than SOPA or PIPA.

But anyway, back to the Austin stuff. So, any of you non-Texans, in Texas, most of the state has one choice of cable/internet providers (this is true for a lot of the states, but replace TWC with Comcast or some other provider): Time Warner Cable. Now, my internet has been slowing down, and it has been really patchy, since the beginning of February. I was concerned they were throttling my internet a while ago. But then, while watching the Olympics on an HD-Antenna thing, I saw an ad that said if you get a Cable-Internet package "now for the next [numerical interger from 1 to 30] days" (can't remember how many days,) you can get a free "speed upgrade".

Now I'm pissed.

So I decided to rant. But then I thought back to Verizon or some company saying that they "Would never use this against their customers for their advantage."

Welp, going to jump off a cliff soon. See you later, I guess...

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Unfortunately, as this topic falls under our restrictions against discussions of a political or ideological nature, we've decided to lock this thread. There was indeed a similar thread earlier, but I believe it was also locked for the same reason.

Y'all have a nice day :)

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