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[1.0.5] Advanced Jet Engine v2.6.1 - Feb 1


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I love this mod! I had grown tired of launching SSTOs, mainly because of the, well, launching part, but with AJE it's tricky but definitely doable to reach a higher altitude than I used to reach pre-AJE. I really like the slow-but-careful approach one has to take now, with balancing skin heat, altitude, speed and intake to find that optimal trajectory.

I scanned through the thread quickly but I couldn't find an answer to my question - it might be there, however:

Why are the inlet areas usually too small for their corresponding engines? I'm thinking AJE RAPIER / SP Shock Cone intake here, I need to add several other inlets as well, which makes my Skylon copy kind of strange-looking. I don't mind, really, but those extra inlets add drag...

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Why are the inlet areas usually too small for their corresponding engines? I'm thinking AJE RAPIER / SP Shock Cone intake here, I need to add several other inlets as well, which makes my Skylon copy kind of strange-looking. I don't mind, really, but those extra inlets add drag...

Because the intakes were designed for KSP, not for real life scales. And I assume the AJE team gave them an intake area matching the size of the model. Real military jets are huge, especially compared to the tiny Kerbals.


Edited by MAKC
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Because the intakes were designed for KSP, not for real life scales. And I assume the AJE team gave them an intake area matching the size of the model. Real military jets are huge, especially compared to the tiny Kerbals.


Good explanation, and I guessed as much.

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I love this mod! I had grown tired of launching SSTOs, mainly because of the, well, launching part, but with AJE it's tricky but definitely doable to reach a higher altitude than I used to reach pre-AJE. I really like the slow-but-careful approach one has to take now, with balancing skin heat, altitude, speed and intake to find that optimal trajectory.

I scanned through the thread quickly but I couldn't find an answer to my question - it might be there, however:

Why are the inlet areas usually too small for their corresponding engines? I'm thinking AJE RAPIER / SP Shock Cone intake here, I need to add several other inlets as well, which makes my Skylon copy kind of strange-looking. I don't mind, really, but those extra inlets add drag...

That you should as taniwha, who changed the area to 7.3. A Rapier requires 11

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acore and inlet area are both in square feet. 11sqft means a *core* diameter of 1.14 meters, which seems plausible enough for the 1.25m RAPIER. It does, however, mean you need an *intake* that is 1.14m in diameter--not an intake mount, but the intake itself. taniwha sized intake area based off the model itself...

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Is there any good document explaining what each of the values does? I'm currently trying to add the F135 and AL-41FS, found some data on them, but I'm not sure how to put it in. I need a high-thrust engine for VTOL applications, F-119 does the job for my fighter, but has terrible clearance issues. I need something shorter.

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Is there any good document explaining what each of the values does? I'm currently trying to add the F135 and AL-41FS, found some data on them, but I'm not sure how to put it in. I need a high-thrust engine for VTOL applications, F-119 does the job for my fighter, but has terrible clearance issues. I need something shorter.

Have you seen the program and document in AJE/AJETester?

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Ok I updated b9 yeasterday and got this weird bug with the j58, it's the always running bug, where the animation won't stop playing. It's even the wrong animation I think, it's the stock basic engines afterburner effect... I know it has to be something in the cfg,s somewhere I just can't find it

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Have you seen the program and document in AJE/AJETester?

Yes, I did. Still didn't answer everything. What exactly those values represent? I figured out that tt4 is burner temperature, but what is prat3? Overall pressure ratio, compressor pressure ratio, or what? I could do with a some sort of list of what exactly all those abbreviations mean. Sometimes it's obvious, sometimes less so.

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Maybe you don't have the HotRockets and Smokescreen installed correctly.

Then none of my engine effects would work...it's in there right..trust me, been moding the game to long to make such a simple mistake,(then again it's always the simple ones that get ya...like a missing }

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  • 2 weeks later...
Using B9[HL parts], FAR and AJE i can't for love of god make B-52 with 16t payload. Really frustrating, anyone had better luck?

Though I wouldn't call it luck. Usually when you build something based on real life aircraft size, weight and engine, it flies like the real thing, that's the point I try to make for AJE.

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That looks very nice, where'd you get that parts? The biggest problem is with getting this thing off the runway, placed landing gear in different positions, changed wings size, engine power etc, still hadn't have luck with getting off the runway.

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Seems in 0.25 the Isp issue has been addressed. IntakeAir is not treated as a propellant, but the actual fuel rate is always 1/5 of what Isp indicates. Could it be Squad trying to cover up their previous mistake by smuggling in this secret buff?

Anyway there's the preview version, which requires 0.25 and FAR v0.14.2.

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Any chance you know why this is happening?

[LOG 23:09:12.336] [KAXradialprop]: Activated
[LOG 23:09:12.337] [SmallGearBay]: Activated
[LOG 23:09:12.338] [00:00:00]: Liftoff!!
[EXC 23:09:12.366] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
AJE.AJEPropJSB.GetPowerRequired (Double rho, Double Vel)
AJE.AJEPropJSB.Calculate (Double EnginePower, Double rho, Double Vel, Double speedOfSound)
AJE.AJEPropeller.FixedUpdate ()

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