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I really missing two parts from stock KSP parts!

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Hello Dev Team!

I would ask for two additional parts!

#1: same as FL-R1 RCS Fuel Tank, but half as high, and also with half of propellent!

Maybe with the "strongest" connection points.

Why do I asking for this?

- Because usually I don't need that much, and don't like to break my rockets aerodynamic shape with the smaller diameter one, or the radial-mounted tanks.

- Also, no mono-propellent tank with the strongest connection point!

#2: Advanced S.A.S Module, Large, with the "strongest" connection points.

Why do I asking for this?

- When I wish to make a more stable rocket, I would add more SAS module, but the medium sized connection point makes all those configurations very weak!

Thanks in advance :wink:

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Not I'm the one who didn't do the homework :D

From the not to suggest thread:

" ** this means no general 'more parts' threads. If you have specific ideas feel free to post them. "

And I been really specific.

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The thing is that we had large SAS and ASAS modules before. Now all capsules have torque built-in.

Actually, we didn't. There has always been only one large module, which was a SAS module. There were two 1.25m modules, an ASAS and a SAS. Now, all of them are just Reaction Wheels.

Hello Dev Team!

I would ask for two additional parts!

#1: same as FL-R1 RCS Fuel Tank, but half as high, and also with half of propellent!

Maybe with the "strongest" connection points.

Why do I asking for this?

- Because usually I don't need that much, and don't like to break my rockets aerodynamic shape with the smaller diameter one, or the radial-mounted tanks.

- Also, no mono-propellent tank with the strongest connection point!

That has been asked for before. I don't know why it hasn't been added yet, but the KSPX addon contains just what you're looking for.

#2: Advanced S.A.S Module, Large, with the "strongest" connection points.

Why do I asking for this?

- When I wish to make a more stable rocket, I would add more SAS module, but the medium sized connection point makes all those configurations very weak!

Thanks in advance :wink:

The next update is planned to make the nodes more stable and reduce rocket wobble. Making the node size bigger would only have a small impact, as the node size doesn't matter a lot when determining joint strength. Also, if you have a problem with rocket wobble, you should try placing guidance fins on your rocket, and using generous amounts of the "EAS-4 Strut Connector".

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That has been asked for before. I don't know why it hasn't been added yet, but the KSPX addon contains just what you're looking for.

Will do!

Also planning to use the four addon which was listed at the don't ask thread. But I'm kind of new for KSP

Started with 0.23, and I wanted to find out the basics before installing all the parts! (I've just using utility stuff like Alarm clock etc)

The next update is planned to make the nodes more stable and reduce rocket wobble. Making the node size bigger would only have a small impact, as the node size doesn't matter a lot when determining joint strength. Also, if you have a problem with rocket wobble, you should try placing guidance fins on your rocket, and using generous amounts of the "EAS-4 Strut Connector".

Yeah, I also red that list aaaand can't wait for the update!

Actually I didn't had that much problem with wobbly rockets, but having problem with snapping rocket during manoeuvre turns.

Thanks for the advice!

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I'd prefer if there was a large RCS tank 1/4th or 1/3rd of the height. If I want 375 RCS I'll stack two of them together but most of the time I wont, and I don't want to put a 400 kilogram canister on my rocket just to store a ton or less monopropellant. Should be one that's short, with 200-250 monopropellant in it.

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I'd prefer if there was a large RCS tank 1/4th or 1/3rd of the height. If I want 375 RCS I'll stack two of them together but most of the time I wont, and I don't want to put a 400 kilogram canister on my rocket just to store a ton or less monopropellant. Should be one that's short, with 200-250 monopropellant in it.

I personally use the 6S service compartments and stack a single cylindrified RCS tank in there (or more for massive craft). The large RCS tank is almost exclusively for fuel tanker missions.

I use KSPX and KJR so pretty much everything else suggested would not change my playstyle at all since I use that stuff anyways. :sticktongue:

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I personally use the 6S service compartments and stack a single cylindrified RCS tank in there (or more for massive craft). The large RCS tank is almost exclusively for fuel tanker missions.

I use KSPX and KJR so pretty much everything else suggested would not change my playstyle at all since I use that stuff anyways. :sticktongue:

I was just actually did that on Wasmic's advice!

KSPX and KW Rocketry + FAR + fairing mods aaand Remote tech aaaaaand scansat!

(KPS now uses around 3,2 GB od RAM, so I close to the 32bit limits :D )

They have the lego parts wich I been looking for


So I started a new, (my first) sandbox game to re-learn the rules, and it's pretty cool so far! :)

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#2: Advanced S.A.S Module, Large, with the "strongest" connection points.

Why do I asking for this?

- When I wish to make a more stable rocket, I would add more SAS module, but the medium sized connection point makes all those configurations very weak!

The SAS and ASAS modules are exactly the same since (I believe) .21. Therefore, just use the normal large SAS.

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