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This is the best idea ever! (Stats Screen)

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I was playing another game last night, and went to the stats screen. Don't ask me why, but I thought of KSP immediately. There is no replay feature, nor a way for you to view the statistics associated with your savefile. Here are my suggestions for a stats system in the game.

-A statistics screen with Achievements (Bodies visited, landed on, etc.), missions completed, and the like. It could even include favorite craft based on number of launches and/or time with the craft as the focus.

-A flight recorder a la Flight Simulator. This could record flight inputs and relevant forces and replay them in a different replay scene. This would allow for mission analysis (and just reminiscing I suppose).

Thoughts anyone?

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Stats screen is, I believe, already in the works... At the very least, some stats are recorded (I think first orbit is and a few other things at present), and there's precedent in some form (the Science Archives are a kind of achievements screen, really).

As for the flight recorder... I'm not sure how complex that'd be to set up and have running, really. But it would be good, and I've seen a few suggestions for something along those lines before.

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get the lazor mod for achievements, no steam achievements are happening and yes I can confirm that the save file does record if you have done a fly by on what bodies and landed on what bodies, orbited etc. though these probably will not be used for achievements but for career mode contracts and reputation..

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Thoughts anyone?

My strongest thought when seeing this thread is that I've seen many ideas better than this 'best idea ever'. No I don't mean statistics are useless. They sure make the game more complete. I just don't think it's all that's left to implement at this stage.

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For one, we already have most of what the suggestions propose. Pressing F3 gives you flight details and you have your science logs for planets into the R&D facility.

As for achievements, they're not necessary and immersion breaking. You might as wel have someone approach you while you're playing and scream in your ear: "YOU'RE PLAYING A GAME!"

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A stats screen to record achievements is a good idea, and as others have said, it's already in your save game. It just doesn't have a UI yet. If you want a flight recorder, I believe there is a mod called Persistent trails which can provide something very similar to what you are after.

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i asked for this long ago ... back when they had not even added minmus i think ... and i made a massive list of things they could track

the only reason why my thread at the time was kept is because of the list ... that the previous people who suggested it didnt have much of

as the above implies i wasnt the first person to suggest it and i was told that its something that was def a down the line thing for adding

a GTA style stats screen for the dif kerbals and general longest flight etc specially when life support comes in will make it a fair challenge as a gd example although we didnt have kerbals like we do now that walk etc we did have them on little tv screens etc

i think the devs are adding even more to this like stats that will improve eg running around in low gravity makes them better at doing it or something is what i got from the dev videos but that been said the same vid showed models of mining drills and a better looking seat than we have now and a cyan gas giant

perhaps have a look at the twitch kerbalsp vids from last jan feb and see what cool stuff they were going to add and simply havent for some reason i cant think of

yeah in my original comment i had stats for going to other star systems etc because everyone already wanted to go to other stars before the mun came in

shame on the wipe yeah it was that long ago ... i think people were suggesting this before the mun existed because things like longest flight furthest traveled were all ksp was about at the time

Edited by Bessy
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My strongest thought when seeing this thread is that I've seen many ideas better than this 'best idea ever'. No I don't mean statistics are useless. They sure make the game more complete. I just don't think it's all that's left to implement at this stage.

I lol'd. After looking at the F3 screen, this has been demoted to the number 45 best idea ever. I am sorry for the false advertisement. I just think it would be nice to have some sort of archive building from which you can see the full body of work associated with you space program. It would be good for both nostalgia and analysis-based people like me.

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