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KSP is losing again


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Lots of kids are so incapable of thinking for themselves that the numbers matter a lot to them. XXX is first on the popularity chart, so it's good, so I MUST have it. Daddy, where's your creditcard?

And where in my post did you see a list of titles ? Obviously you do research on your own on every single subject you touch. These are community tracked numbers, not from Valve. I bet you don't have any friends to talk to, because you are doing research on everything they say, before you can join in. FFS this is about freaking game not a life on mars. Grow up!

Keep those comments about kids and daddys to yourself, because you have no idea who you talk to, no idea!

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Wow. "I bet you don't have any friends to talk to" And that is how you prove someone is a child, or worse, an idiot, they make stupid comments like that.

God i hate my generation.

EDIT: Also, "You research everything before you join in". Well. In this situation, i think research is kinda useful, so that means nothing.

Also, You should realize by now, most of this community are on the "Really smart" side of the board, and don't tend to talk like idiots, so a bit of an intelligent sentence isn't unusual.

Plus, Comments about Kids and stuff like that are incredibly common on the internet, and if you didnt know that already, you need to go to a lot of other places than just here.

Edited by Krosulhah
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This thread is going astray really fast.

This thread needs to go away.

1. Yes.

2. No.

On topic, it's probably because people are spending more time waiting for the next update than playing the game :P

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And where in my post did you see a list of titles ? Obviously you do research on your own on every single subject you touch. These are community tracked numbers, not from Valve. I bet you don't have any friends to talk to, because you are doing research on everything they say, before you can join in. FFS this is about freaking game not a life on mars. Grow up!

Keep those comments about kids and daddys to yourself, because you have no idea who you talk to, no idea!

This was quite offensive.

Well, I may have done the same as you anyway. People just refuse to understand sometimes.

Still, bullying people who are less intelligent than you is very offensive.

Do you do such things in real life? If so, you're justified.

1. Yes.

2. No.

I am in need of an explanation. Please send it to me via private message.

Edited by DJEN
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Wow. "I bet you don't have any friends to talk to" And that is how you prove someone is a child, or worse, an idiot, they make stupid comments like that.

God i hate my generation.

EDIT: Also, "You research everything before you join in". Well. In this situation, i think research is kinda useful, so that means nothing.

Also, You should realize by now, most of this community are on the "Really smart" side of the board, and don't tend to talk like idiots, so a bit of an intelligent sentence isn't unusual.

Plus, Comments about Kids and stuff like that are incredibly common on the internet, and if you didnt know that already, you need to go to a lot of other places than just here.

How was that an intelligent comment ? I feel offended by comments like that, and "that is how you prove someone is a child, or worse, an idiot, " is another comment of an ignorant. I'm probably 30 years older than you, and have no respect to people who put everybody in the same basket, and claim they know what others do and how they behave. DON't MAKE COMMENTS WHICH DON'T ADD TO THE DISCUSSION. SIMPLE AS THAT!!! Keep them to yourself.

And BTW, Numbers are everything! The whole universe is in numbers, your whole life is around numbers. One must have enough neurons to know that much. I've been using math, physics in software engineering on daily basis, for the past 25 years, and it's all about numbers.

Stats are driving force behind everything in this world. Whether you get paid salary, or be able to get into tube, or be driven to hospital, or be able to buy in a market, it's only because stats made it available to you, so don't dismiss that.

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I can't speak for Steam users, but i know my own playing patterns. And they fluctuate. I play KSP since version 0.18 - i've landed on everything, built space stations and ground bases, flew planes and drove rovers. Sometimes i do feel like i did everything i wanted to do in game, and my interest waned to the point i don't spend half of a day playing KSP anymore. And then i have a new idea, and log in to build new type of lander or spaceplane. Or fly a long, complicated mission to Eeloo. Then i take another break for couple of days. Also, i know i will jump back in as soon as 0.24 stops downloading to play Career with contract :)

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