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Kerbol's asteroid belt, Version 0.2 Released! Perseus Fixed!


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dem hell krakens be swarming around Perseus, they even conquered jeb once!

but atleast im getting the atmosphere to actually SHOW UP.

also, what do you guys thing would be good for the spread of the belt?

im thinking inclinations between 0 and 30

share your opinion!

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  • 2 weeks later...

progress update:


why u no work?

Im trying everything,new texture/heightmap, replacing the cfg, looking over the entire code several times, i cant find a single thing wrong,

the only idea i have is squad probably made something that prevented small objects from having atmospheres.

but there might be a way out of this mess,

i have an uncle that works (iirc) for IBM or something, and knows ALOT about computers and stuff,

i think he might be getting back from vacation in the next few days or so, and im hoping he'll be able to help me fix this, cause from what ive heard from my mother, if i were the Einstein of coding, he would be the aliens ruling over the entire universe.

just hope i can explain how this mod works and stuff, and i can understand most of the stuff he talks about involving computers. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...


I happened to dig through the mod development forum to the planet factory CE thread and on one of the last few pages on the thread, a user said :

Don't use a bin from another planet. Delete the bin a load the game then open up the menu and click create ScaledSpace

I came screaming through the forum back here to say this, and,


I'm going to try this tonight and hope it works,

There may still be a chance for Perseus.

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*imasa sigh*

Well, all it did was make it not look like Tyloo in map view, and it looks actual size now, but still spikey terrain and glitched atmosphere.

On the plus side, due to being sick I had the majority of the week to lay in bed, feeling my skin crawl, and staring at a planets code for hours on end looking for anything wrong,

And I can't find one. Single. Thing. Wrong.

I'm going to remove Perseus for now, I may see if I can get it to work in the future.

But now I have a question for you all, should I make a Kuiper belt to go with the asteroid belt?

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This looks pretty awesome!

Although you could maybe change HarvesteR to Harvester. I don't think asteroids have random capitalisation.

HarvesteR is based on an asteroid the devs had planned to add to the game sharing Kerbins orbit, its name was HarvesteR, so I named it the same as the asteroid it was recreating.

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in the best stroke of luck in possibly all of kerbal history, I MAY have managed to fix Perseus atmosphere. ish. I just went by the strategy of "**** with every option" and somehow, when I hit reload cfg after increasing the atmo pressure, it started to work more normally, I guess I just didnt have the atmosphere thing figured out, but I think Perseus is pretty interesting as it is, I challenge anyone to attempt to aerobrake below its mountains :P if I can figure out how to properly edit the heightmap, Ill probably make it smoother with some mountains above the atmosphere.

so i give you the 0.2 release, to fix Perseus a bit, but it still requires some work. :)

see the OP for the download.

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The asteroid wasn't called HavesteR it was just called harvest

Really? Odd... I thought it was named HavesteR... I'll try and find it and see what it's named. Also, in my rush to get the temporary fix for perseus I forgot to mention that Perseus currently somehow has gravity almost thy of kerbins on the surface, where RCS packs barely lift the Kerbals. And it has some pretty thick atmo near the surface too, I'm going to try and slowly tweak it to the right pressure and gravity, and radius, since it's still like the size of Dres.

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OH and I forgot one more thing, I added an asteroid on an orbit like a comet's, though since comets IRL come from the Kuiper Belt or the Oort Cloud, since this one comes from the asteroid belt, I dont think it can be called a comet :rolleyes:

the asteroid's name is Dawn.

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To install this just place all the files in the Asteroid folder into the Planet Factory folder? It's just that I don't see a System file?

You should get a folder called Asteroid Belt Version 0.2.zip. Extract the files, you might need to rename it to Asteroid Belt now that I think of it, unless the Asteroid Belt folder is inside a folder named Asteroid Belt Version 0.2, place it inside the planet factory folder next to the default systems.

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So place the Asteroid Belt folder inside the PluginData folder next to the PlanetFactory folder? Sorry, but it just doesn't seem right, no type of system file. It looks great and I want to get it installed correctly!

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So place the Asteroid Belt folder inside the PluginData folder next to the PlanetFactory folder? Sorry, but it just doesn't seem right, no type of system file. It looks great and I want to get it installed correctly!

Inside that planetfactory file too, there should be folders named Serious, Barry, and something else, and some other stuff there too, put it in the folder containing all that stuff

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Ok, thanks! I didn't see the System file but there is one.

Anyway, it opens fine, but there were two problems both can easily be fixed. First the texture for Magic Boulder was not loading. It's because there is no map png. Take a copy of the Magic Boulder_color and rename it Magic Boulder_map That fixed it!

The second problem was that Perseus was not loading correctly (See Pictures) Delete duplicate Perseus files including bin file. That fixed it!



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