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KF 133 Ansible Hypersonic Jet Craft

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The KF 133 Ansible is a long range atmospheric fighter. Capabilities: Speed- Mach 7+, Alt- 6+ kilometers, Lift Capacity- 4.5+ Tons, Loop Radius- 1,700 meters, Can fly and maneuver at x4 physical acceleration, Can circumnavigate Kerban multiple times (I got bored after 5 orbits but still had fuel for more), take off speed is no more than 80 mps. I'm pretty proud of how clean I managed to get the lines on this one.

Craft File: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/kf-133-ansible/

Some Pics for ya!




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I agree using a longer line of intakes looks much better than 2-3 of them. I also like to turn the last one backwards just for looks.

Until we get better stock intakes ill be using this same method on all my planes and sstos.

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The reference is from the Ender's Game series. :)

XD I figured as much. It's referenced in several series but that's the one that sticks out. Shame they literally only mention it once and never explain it in the movie.

I won't call one better than the other but they are very different and I liked each for different reasons.

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@Captain Sierra, Working on a ssto version. Tried making it a rapier platform, don't like the rapiers but thought I'd give it a go. Nope, didn't work. The only thing that build accomplished was to cement my distaste for the things. Right now trying to work out what the best rocket set up for it will be.

@guz667, That's one of the series that has an ansible, there are lots, though. I didn't pick any one for the reference, it just popped into my head as a good name for the ship.

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Ah, thank you for the correction. :) I should have known, Ender's Game and that series are all that I know personally. ^^; Either way, great ship! Seems like a great candidate for an SSTO. I'm back and forth on the R.A.P.I.E.R.S. myself...love-hate I guess.

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