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ZLM Accept this new challenge !


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Nickname ZLM

Country France

Birth-date 28/01/78 (36) <-- Geek suspected !!!

Computer Assembly based computer ( Mostly Assus )

Hello everyone , I'm a new 'newcomer' in KSP ! I played about one month with the Steam version .

My KSP is the stock game in career mode ( no mod , no config file hack or Something )

My favorite game is , FPS , RTS & Simulations !

I going to show you my actual career progress .


At this time , this is the among of techs reaching !


This is the two rovers I've landed on Minimus !


My first mothership onto kerbin orbit , ready to mission !


Finaly , the part number of rocket launched in space for the mothership build (hard work but RDY2GO ! )

(hope snapshot is correctly typing)

Sorry for my 'French-glish' ;) i'm trying to not use google translate or something , because more i try by myself , better could be is ! (maybe) ! Don't hesitate to correct me !

Well , that all for my introduction , have a nice day & see you later !

ZLM , Over .

Edited by ZLM-Master
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Welcome :) I just joined myself, and am also playing career mode. However, I haven't unlocked nearly that much. I've only unlocked my first 90 Science tier, and still have some 45 Science tiers I left behind (which I'm now finding out was a bad idea as I'm really limited in my ability to build rockets). Your advancement through career mode gives me hope!

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Hi Impatience ! i going to give you some tips for the early career mode , hope it will help you !

-Once you 'll be familiar with UI & gameplay ! try to explore kerbin surface & collect ground sample ( water , snow , sand ,etc ...)

-You have a ton of option if you right-click on everything ( kerbal , spacecraft , part , etc ...) ( in-game )

-At the begging , you can only make a "jump" in space , not a perfect orbiting travel . try & retry some "jump" (2 or 3 times) & re-collect science tech .

It will decrease every time but it's enough for growing your tech & grab the tier 2 part .

-At every Tier you've done , you are able to create better spacecraft with better tech part . so you can go higher & higher & collect more & more tech .

-When you're able to land on MUN ( around tier 2+ ) & coming back safely ! the game begin to be really exiting .

-Don't play "too fast" still you have not fully reached the "nearest tech available" (Kerbin influence , Mun & Minimus) ( eventually short sun orbit "jump" )

With this tips , your tech-tree must grow up at a " normal speed " !

I'm a beginner too , i'm still in the kerbin influence . That's why i'm make a Mother ship for help the smaller crafts .

In fact i'm trying to :

-Launch a space craft with lot a tech & one kerbal inside .

-Dock it onto the mother ship .

-Travel long distance onto the mother ship .

-Orbiting a new planet , Refuel the small craft .

-Undock it for a landing tech mission .

-Comeback to mother ship dock & back to Kerbin .

-Mother ship is made for stay in vacuum . Only smaller craft is designed to back on the ground .

Again , sorry for my English , hope that's going to help you ;)

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Thanks ZLM. I'm a bit of an overachiever, so I'm trying to push the limits and get to the next big goal. Probably time to setting down a little and spend some more time on Kerbin. Notice the name, Impatience, I have a hard time not pushing for the next big accomplishment, often missing the smaller ones on the way hehehe.

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Hi Impatience, from your ribbons I think you should be easily able to ulock a bunch of science. I agree with ZLM, sounds as if you have "skipped ahead" and not got the science for, eg, landing pad, then suborbital, then leo, then high orbit, then....

One of the difficulties with the science is that you can only get one result for eg the mystery goo per unit, so you can end up with only a small amount of science from an impressive mission sometimes.

If you like doing "big missions", how about a "science ship" with 8 goo containers, multiple Science JRs, etc etc and do one big mission to minmus or something? There's lots of different biomes so lots to research.

My trick was to do EVAs and crew reports as often as possible per mission, as they can be done many times per mission and you get full science for transmittting the results.

Let us know your next mission plan!

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