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my engineering class is making me sad.


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For the first time ever I got a C in a class. I could go over the details, but I just plain didn't study for tests. I did all my work with that one thing bringing me down. Something interesting also happened as someone posted a picture of a horse meme in the engineering project directory and blamed me. I understand why I did bad in that class but when someone tries to make me look like a joke, I have to do something back.

1. Be a dick to everyone and find who feels the worst to determine if they were the culprit.

2. Post a funnier meme.

3. I forgot to mention that even my teacher blamed me so i must also get revenge on him some way.

post what you think I should do.

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post what you think I should do.

Not take your obvious disappointment at your mediocre grade out on others. Taking revenge will just make you look worse (and guilty to boot). Rise above it.

Edited by Seret
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I feel you are tying two unrelated things together. First up, study if you are serious about doing this. In engineering this is important, as you can and will mess up important stuff if you don't. It might not always be easy, but if this is what you want to do, you will find a way.

Concerning the second part: my advice would be not to get involved. Do not even dignify such behaviour with a response, as it mught be what they are after. Strongly denying something might actually make you look like you were involved. Just deny any involvement once - clearly and calm - and leave it at that. Any stuff going on beyond that is for other people to deal with.

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Hello there :)

I suppose we can all agree "getting back at someone" and escalating a conflict isn't really all that much in the spirit of our [thread=30064]Community Rules[/thread]. As such, I'm closing this thread.


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