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My turn: New PC Build

Capt'n Skunky

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Ah, you left out the SSD but still included the mounting hardware. I knew something was off, but could not put finger on it.

Question, what advantage does the video card you suggested have over the one I had listed?


Capt\'n Skunky

Crap, I knew I was forgetting something >:(

About the GPU, I put one of my GT 520s on my test bench (i5 2500k) and tried to run Kerbal on it; at 1600x900,1920x1080,1280x720 resolutions, and frame-rates were poor ( 30-20 fps). In my school, we have GT 520s in some of our computers which, when Kerbal was run at 1280x720, had major stuttering problems and crashes.

If you dont get the liquid CPU cooler and different motherboard (still ASUS), you could get that SSD and be in budget.

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20-30 fps is poor to you? Man, I\'d be dancing in the aisles. Also, you have to expect a lower performance on the unoptimized KSP code. KSP isn\'t the only game I\'ll be running. I\'m hoping to be able to play Skyrim on high settings as well as Battlefield 3.


Capt\'n Skunky

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Ok, since I know that the only game is Kerbal, I can adjust the whole build. Sadly though, it\'s time for bed for me since I got school in the morning, so I will help after.

EDIT: 1 gb is fine for one monitor. Even if you have the ram, you need the bus speed and gpu to utilize it.

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Two problems, I\'m a self-confessed NVIDIA fanboi and I wouldn\'t touch a Sapphire brand card if you paid me. I\'ve tweaked my video card selection since originally posting. Got a GT 520 in the setup now.


Capt\'n Skunky

ATI is better then NVIDIA graphics :P.

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Guest GroundHOG-2010

For what your looking to do (build one now and have the option to upgrade later), that looks pritty good. Air cooled might be better, and going with a slighly better CPU might be better, but you seem to have thought about what you are doing.

On the offtopic AMD Vs Intel and ATI Vs Nvida (I spelt nvida wrong twice didn\'t I) I perfer intel, as it seems to be more understandable (and I have worked with it more), but if given an AMD computer, I would use it just the same. I have had mostly ATI video cards, but both are the same to me. Nvida just runs hotter than ATI ( and intel for that matter too).

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What I can\'t wrap my mind around is why you have a 65usd water cooler and 65usd for a graphics card, they are hardly equally important components.

I run a I7 2600k with the stock cooler, as long as you don\'t overclock it excessively that works fine.

and since it\'s only 100usd more than the i5, you could just as well get that instead and get a watercooling setup if you reach a point where you feel a need to overclock it. That would only be around 35usd extra.

And my setup (i7-2600k, slightly overclocked 6970 and so on) gets around 55fps in BF3 (on ultra) you are not going to get any fps at all with a entry level graphics card.

Take a look at tomshardware.com, they have a million charts comparing graphics cards in different tests.

And a larger SSD doesn\'t hurt, you really want to put both your OS,KSP and Bf3 on there, does wonders for your loading times. I have the 128gb version of the SSD you selected and that works great although it is already filling up.

Also: American prices are pretty much half of what stuff costs here in Sweden, you people are lucky.

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Nooo don\'t get a GT-520 if you\'re into gaming!

It is a lower end card. Probably cheap because of that, but not very powerful.

GTX-550 TI is quite good and not as expensive as 560, 570, 580 or 590.

Edit: Specifications for both:



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Two problems, I\'m a self-confessed NVIDIA fanboi and I wouldn\'t touch a Sapphire brand card if you paid me. I\'ve tweaked my video card selection since originally posting. Got a GT 520 in the setup now.


Capt\'n Skunky


I have it. Aircooled and never overheats. Then again, it\'s pretty expensive.

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Guest GroundHOG-2010




(HP PAvillion- Can\'t even play BF3, SW:TOR, or Skyrim without lag on the lowest setting)


I have a computer at home that was upgraded in 2008. It can run skyrim on the lowest settings. :P

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