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Your Favorite Kerbal


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Who's your favorite Kerbal and why? Post your stories and Kerbal names here.

My favorite is actually a trio.

Sigly, Adley, and Dilfred.

I never really formed much of a connection with Jeb, Bill, and Bob, so the first 3 Kerbals I hired from the astronaut complex were my main Kerbals. Sadly they all died in a plane crash on Laythe.

R.I.P Sigly Kebbol, Adley Kerbwin, and Dilfred Kermol

Edited by Poryy
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My most recent mission I nearly stranded Jebediah on Eve. About a week of failed missions, and my wife (who doesn't care one wit for video games) would constantly ask me if I had finished my mission. When I explained that everything kept breaking she shouted at me, litterally shouted at me, "NO! You save my little buddy!"

I don't know if I have a favorite, but my wife's favorite is clearly Jebediah. :) (I'm happy to report, he did indeed make it home safely. When I reported this to my wife, she smiled.)

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Adley was my space guy. He was the first Kerbal to make orbit, and the first kerbal to land on the Mun and Minmus. On Minmus his lander crashed and he rode an ion bike into orbit to await rescue.

Sigly was a master pilot. Whenever I crashed a plane he was flying the cockpit survived. Sadly, this didn't happen on Laythe.

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