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Greetings Kerthlings

Uri G

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First of all thanks developers and posters alike this game is developing into a classic even before it has been really released. The tutorials here are really helpful to make this game enjoyable so that you don\'t necessarily have to be an astro-physicist to play it (might help though). I first saw this game on a game review show on Australian tv over the xmas holidays so downloaded it and have been hooked ever since. I made my donation a while back so I cant wait to see the full version. If any of you remember the TV show Mork & Mindy, all there is left to say is Nanoo Nanoo!

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UriG, welcome to the forums mate, enjoy your stay and have a good time. :D


Arcane, I\'m not sure if you\'re intentionally trolling or not but following Capt after every post and doing the pirate thing is getting a bit old. You\'re treading mate, on a very fine line between trolling and joking. Make sure you stay on the right side of that line.

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