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My Little Dalek

Guest TonyZ

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This appeared in a thread at another site I visit. Being a life long Whovian, I felt the need to share. Especially with the MLP crowd.

My Little Dalek - Friendship is: Exterminated!

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The AMLPR currently advises all persons of a sane and/or non-Bronyist condition to keep clear of this thread. Levels of \'what\'s going on in this thread? Oh lawd\' are reaching critical levels, and the AMLPR hopes to retain as many sensible persons as possible before the contents of this thread become hazardous.

I say again:


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Kill me for this:

My little Dalek, My little Dalek,

I used to wonder what hatred could be

Until you shared all it\'s fury with me


Tons of guns

A disgusting heart

Hateful and wrong

Sharing nothing

You are squishy meat

And the Doctor makes it all complete

Yeah, my little Dalek

Do you know you\'re all my very worst friends

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Kill me for this:

My little Dalek, My little Dalek,

I used to wonder what hatred could be

Until you shared all it\'s fury with me


Tons of guns

A disgusting heart

Hateful and wrong

Sharing nothing

You are squishy meat

And the Doctor makes it all complete

Yeah, my little Dalek

Do you know you\'re all my very worst friends

??? What great genius inspired you to utter such prose?!

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Kill me for this:

My little Dalek, My little Dalek,

I used to wonder what hatred could be

Until you shared all it\'s fury with me


Tons of guns

A disgusting heart

Hateful and wrong

Sharing nothing

You are squishy meat

And the Doctor makes it all complete

Yeah, my little Dalek

Do you know you\'re all my very worst friends

*memorizes lyrics*

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