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Anyone have good ideas to catch up for school after being sick for 4 days


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If you've been genuinely ill, won't the teachers take that into account?

I recall being allowed to re-sit one of the tests on my degree course without penalty because of a sudden Norovirus infection. There's no way in hell I was going to show up to the uni like that, and no way I'd want to inflict that highly contageous disease on anybody else. Most unpleasant, and the professors were most understanding.

Try calling your teachers and explaining the situation?

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what kind and level of school are we talking about? Around here school means elementary school or at most high school. In that case I say just show up, do what you can and it'll be fine. What else can happen?

Well, for me it's middle school, grade 9. The thing is - the school has a lot of kids in it, that I can infect.

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Well, for me it's middle school, grade 9. The thing is - the school has a lot of kids in it, that I can infect.

What's your current marks look like? IIRC blowing off four days of homework and two tests isn't enough to gain a failing grade.

So if your grade is high enough I'd forget about them.

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Make sure that you pick up the current homework. You biggest mistake would be to catch up on the old stuff, falling behind on the new stuff. Have a little talk with teachers to see whether you need to catch up. If you do, spread it out, doing the new stuff before the old stuff.

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What's your current marks look like? IIRC blowing off four days of homework and two tests isn't enough to gain a failing grade.

So if your grade is high enough I'd forget about them.

At my school, blowing off four days of homewark and two tests is enough to take you down two letter grades if you're unlucky.

I would never recommend that.

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At my school, blowing off four days of homewark and two tests is enough to take you down two letter grades if you're unlucky.

I would never recommend that.

So? A pass is a pass. The only employers that care how high your marks are and how many awards and honors you have are the ones you shouldn't be working for.

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At my school, blowing off four days of homewark and two tests is enough to take you down two letter grades if you're unlucky.

I would never recommend that.

That's ridiculous. Anyway, my former advice stands. Work on your present workload, then the previous.

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