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Hello and sharing one of my Mun landings


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Been playing a while and hanging about on IRC occasionally, thought I\'d finally gt around to registering on the forums. So hi all *waves awkwardly*

And my 4th successful landing on Mun using this design.

All stock parts. I call this design Polaris.

Launch and TMI


Mun capture, picking landing site and descent.


More descent, landing and lift off and return to Kerbil.


Splashdown, parade, coffee!




Cheers and happy orbiting!


I didn\'t think the post would get the replies it has and so quickly after posting!

But as it did I thought perhaps my previous Kerpollo missions might be interesting?

Sadly they could only take screenshots due to lack of free diskspace on the ships computer ;)

Kerpollo 5 https://www.dropbox.com/gallery/49791830/2/KSP/Kerpollo5?h=af1706

Kerpollo6 https://www.dropbox.com/gallery/49791830/2/KSP/Kerpollo6?h=6fe3f7

Kerpollo 7 https://www.dropbox.com/gallery/49791830/2/KSP/kerpollo7?h=665470

All done with this design.

If there is an interest in more video\'s doing specific things like this, like for example free return trajectory, TMI to gt into orbit around Mun first. A less dirty Mun mission than this one. Let me know.

Uploading video\'s takes me ages so I\'d rather only do it if it\'s worthwhile and someone is getting something out of it. Took me all night for these 4.

And as per request I\'ve attached the design.

If you need any help and the video isn\'t enough, I can write a short guide/pilot manual for a good launch and moon trip with it.

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This is a fantastic first post.


Your friendly neighborhood bag of bones,


[mod]Please note that I have moved this topic to what I assume is the appropriate forum for an introduction. This topic was not moved for any violation.[/mod]

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This is a fantastic first post.


Your friendly neighborhood bag of bones,


Please note that I have moved this topic to what I assume is the appropriate forum for an introduction. This topic was not moved for any violation.

Thank you Drakomis and Skunky, and sorry about that, didn\'t notice the subforums.

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Thank you Drakomis and Skunky, and sorry about that, didn\'t notice the subforums.

There is no need to be sorry at all. You did not violate any rules and it was your first time posting.

I still believe it was a fantastic first post! Great job!

Your friendly neighborhood bag of bones,


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Nice rocket and videos. Would you please post the .craft file for others to enjoy?

(If you post it here, I\'ll put a link to it in the Spacecraft Exchange forum under the 100% stock section).

I\'ve added the craft file to the post and a small edit. Have fun with the rocket let me know how she flies for you or if you need any pilot instructions for my rocket.

I had a few designs that succeeded too, at least landing, but this one is the accumulative product of the older ones that gets me there and back every time reliably.

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