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Pteron Micro Shuttle and rescue vehicle Beta download available(9/9/2014)

Sage Sagan

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Well actually, it's all green because it was a test. But the all white seems better. I just wish the emissives change color when you change the lights.

It worked but it is a little bit bigger than the stock clamp-o-tron. We can use that model to put in the docking port head if you want or I can resize the head to fit the stock port.


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That looks just great,really spot on. I think re-size the head so it fits the standard docking port. As long as the "lip" fits the end of the Pteron fuselage as closely as is possible. Could the yellow marker arrows be red?

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It fits indeed but the sides of the polygon don't meet and that's a problem but I'll remodel it instead to prevent the problem. Important thing is this works now:


Regarding the changing of the color, it is pretty easy but I think that if you really plan the lights to be originally red and green, yellow would be better. Even with tweakables.

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  blackheart612 said:
It fits indeed but the sides of the polygon don't meet and that's a problem but I'll remodel it instead to prevent the problem. Important thing is this works now:


Regarding the changing of the color, it is pretty easy but I think that if you really plan the lights to be originally red and green, yellow would be better. Even with tweakables.

I think from a usefulness point of view white lights are the best default choice, people can tinker with them in the VAB if they want different combinations.

This docking port looks great,really sets off the model.

Edited by Sage Sagan
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  blackheart612 said:
Okay, I traced the head of the Stock Clamp-o-tron. This is it for today. I gotta rest. How's this?


I am running out of superlatives, Blackheart that is the prettiest docking mechanism I have ever seen. i am convinced you have some way to look in my head:wink:

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Whilst getting no-where with the adapter/service module I started sketching .The fact the Pteron has evolved into a three seat crew transport with 1100dv is awesome but I keep coming back to the idea of a pure escape pod for a single kerbal. This is the HARP a lifting body escape pod, no landing gear, no engine, virtually no directional control in atmo and just enough RCS to de-orbit. A 1.25m flared housing would contain 3 HARPs,each seated on a de-coupler. The Housing opens two doors which run the length of the module and kerbals board the HARPS through the front hatches, the HARPS are then jettisoned using a standard .625m decoupler mounted on one of three internal nodes . There won't be any cabin controls, a lone red button will be all the thankful disaster survivor has to operate.

An individual HARP will weigh around 500kg when fueled and snacked , the vehicle is 0.8m across it widest point and 2.2m long. A high crash tolerance and careful flying will mean no parachutes are required:sticktongue:



This unit is not designed for or warrantied for re-use. Ideally the SFR plug-in that Roverdude has resurrected for his Advanced Extra Vehicular suit would allow the kerbal to be viewed through the window but it might just be simpler to have tinted windows.

As Woody from Toy Story said "that's not flying, that's falling with style" Those words were one of the driving forces of this idea.

Edited by Sage Sagan
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That looks great. I can really see this mod evolving to have the Pertron, Harp, and possibly another, larger lifting body shuttle in the figure. But can a kerbal really fit inside of a .625m wide ship?

Also, for Pete's sake, get a thread in the release forum. While this mod may not be COMPLETE, it is still released, functional, and a great mod.

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  Sage Sagan said:
Whilst getting no-where with the adapter/service module I started sketching .The fact the Pteron has evolved into a three seat crew transport with 1100dv is awesome but I keep coming back to the idea of a pure escape pod for a single kerbal. This is the HARP a lifting body escape pod, no landing gear, no engine, virtually no directional control in atmo and just enough RCS to de-orbit. A 1.25m flared housing would contain 3 HARPs,each seated on a de-coupler. The Housing opens two doors which run the length of the module and kerbals board the HARPS through the front hatches, the HARPS are then jettisoned using a standard .625m decoupler mounted on one of three internal nodes . There won't be any cabin controls, a lone red button will be all the thankful disaster survivor has to operate.

An individual HARP will weigh around 500kg when fueled and snacked , the vehicle is 0.8m across it widest point and 2.2m long. A high crash tolerance and careful flying will mean no parachutes are required:sticktongue:



This unit is not designed for or warrantied for re-use. Ideally the SFR plug-in that Roverdude has resurrected for his Advanced Extra Vehicular suit would allow the kerbal to be viewed through the window but it might just be simpler to have tinted windows.

As Woody from Toy Story said "that's not flying, that's falling with style" Those words were one of the driving forces of this idea.

I like your HARP design. I would love a dedicated escape pod. Only thing i was curious about though was the hatch on the HARP while it's mounted inside the fairing cargo bay. Will it actually swing forward to open up like in your sketch? Because that would probably clip with the cargo bay. Maybe a sliding hatch like on a WWII fighter (such as like that on the F4 Corsair or the P51) would be more confined space friendly.

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  OrbitusII said:
Holy crap... it's amazing... Yet another part that I'll be using as a replacement for stock stuff. :cool:

It is a little bit off the center (0.01m) because it is sized for the Pteron and the polygons don't fit the stock. Pteron has 20 sided circle which I need to match, Stock parts have 24. The off center is made possible with the node placement in the config (easily changeable).

The docking port's functionality is tested already so here it is:


I'm gonna do textures and if everything's fine I'll hand it over to Sage then I'll do the engines.

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I think rover dude's EVA pod proves, yes, a kerbal will fit in a .625m pod. Also the body flares slightly so there is a little more room.

I really don't want to release without a functioning door at the very least, preferably with the IVA as well.


New download is up with docking port, but the fuselage with the decal is not. The decal was showing up as the texture map for the shuttle rather

than a flag...any one hazard a guess as to why?

Edited by Sage Sagan
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  FREEMANtsinq said:
I like your HARP design. I would love a dedicated escape pod. Only thing i was curious about though was the hatch on the HARP while it's mounted inside the fairing cargo bay. Will it actually swing forward to open up like in your sketch? Because that would probably clip with the cargo bay. Maybe a sliding hatch like on a WWII fighter (such as like that on the F4 Corsair or the P51) would be more confined space friendly.

The HARP dispenser will decouple two thirds of it's outer shell meaning that the noses of the pods are pointed into space with nothing above the canopies. This means that the canopies can open freely and all that remains of the dispenser structure is a beam running along the one third section of the cylindrical hull that remains.

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Because I broke it (yes, for a lot of times). Here is the fix. Also, you need to replace the pteron.tga with the one I gave you to remove the decal. The latest pack I gave you, the ones that are supposed to change the previous version is the pteronbody.mu, pteronbody.cfg, and pteron.tga.


Contains the config for the body and the model which hides the pesky decal in the spinny icon when you hover in the tabs.

The latest version includes window lights, docking port with lights and decal flag.

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  blackheart612 said:
Because I broke it (yes, for a lot of times). Here is the fix. Also, you need to replace the pteron.tga with the one I gave you to remove the decal. The latest pack I gave you, the ones that are supposed to change the previous version is the pteronbody.mu, pteronbody.cfg, and pteron.tga.


Contains the config for the body and the model which hides the pesky decal in the spinny icon when you hover in the tabs.

The latest version includes window lights, docking port with lights and decal flag.

Thanks Blackheart, O.K. people the new download is up here and in the OP.


Includes the docking collar, working cabin lights and decal on the fuselage.

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  tygoo7 said:
Great job blackheart! Really like the texturing. Do you think the next version will have a FAR/NEAR config for it? :)

Really like this little ship. Blackheart are you planning on making this able to work with FAR and or NEAR.????

many thanks.

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Can't wait to test it actually WORKING with aerodynamic emulation system (FAR/NEAR).

Just for now:

1) pteron wings seem to ignore being shielded by fairings

2) COL is wa-a-ay left from central axis

I'm not sure, but I think FAR/NEAR have trouble computing complicated wing profiles which are partly horisontal, partly vertical. If you split each wing part into horisontal wing (Roll+Pitch) and vertical winglet (Yaw) - FAR/NEAR should compute it right. Just IMHO.

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Ok so the docking port works however control from here doesn't work. The navball does not switch when you press control from here, however like i said it docks just fine. For the docking port is it possible to have fairings generate like and engine when you put a decoupler underneath it? A few other recommendations for the future can you make a toggleable fuel cell to generate power. Power isn't really a problem but I can foresee it being one. Could you consider making a built in mechjeb or maybe even a small mechjeb box for the ship? Finally the perpendicular flying really is a problem at least for me. I can be lined up with the runway and ship will fly sideways and if I try to correct it just keeps going, and if the ship isn't pointed exactly prograde when it lands, it explodes. Even after all that I am in love with this little ship. It does precisely what its supposed to do in terms of servicing stations and delivering kerbals.

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