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Which would you rather have FIRST?

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I was unaware that other stars/solar systems were a guarantee. Any links to back up OP's claim?

Regardless, I feel multiplayer will have a certain charm to it that more solar systems wouldn't add. So I voted multiplayer.

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I'm a sandbox player; I like control over my stuff in the game and get irritated when malicious agents take away things I worked for. Sometimes those agents are Creepers. Sometimes they're other players. So as far as KSP is concerned I can wait on multiplayer, but having more solar systems sounds awesome.

(I'm not a care bear - I do also play games like Halo. But in Halo you don't spend 9 hours building a space station so the Covenant can blow it up. You just run around trying to blow the Covenant's things up before they blow you up. I can roll with that.)

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Multi-Player would certainly be neat, but iDunno. KSP is one of those games I play to get away from multi-player, where the only other interaction I have with other people is inspiration mods and challenges from the forums and YouTube. I guess it would be awesome to make a truly international space station without having to resort to mods or playing hot potato with a save file, but I'm a bit hesitant on this whole "teamwork" thing. Yeah, it can be more rewarding, but I just like doing my own stuff.

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  parameciumkid said:
I'm a sandbox player; I like control over my stuff in the game and get irritated when malicious agents take away things I worked for. Sometimes those agents are Creepers. Sometimes they're other players. So as far as KSP is concerned I can wait on multiplayer, but having more solar systems sounds awesome.

(I'm not a care bear - I do also play games like Halo. But in Halo you don't spend 9 hours building a space station so the Covenant can blow it up. You just run around trying to blow the Covenant's things up before they blow you up. I can roll with that.)

Imagine building a space-station in co-op mode... or a space race in Real Solar System

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Given the choices, Multiple Star systems. I already have enough Multiplayer games that I play and I don't want to deal with another troll internet community ruining a great game with their cries for EZ mode.

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Multiple star systems. As others have noted, KSP is a nice break from the other games I play, almost all of which are multiplayer.

On the other hand, not many other games give you the chance to destroy something that other players have spent days and days building. The grief tears would be especially delicious.

Ramming Speed!!!! har har. jk :cool:

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Multi solar systems can be modded quite well.

Multiplayer: Not so much. It requires a lot more back end work than simply changing a few planets around.

Therefore I think the devs should focus on multiplayer first.

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I would like to see multiplayer before multiple star systems. This is pretty much because I have a friend who I always discuss KSP with. I wouldn't mind docking with his creations, or possibly shooting them out of the sky. :D

Multiple star systems sounds like it might negatively affect performance as well.

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Why not? Do the devs poll users? Many products have a feature voting system to see where to devote energies.

Multiplayer in or around Kerbals might be OK, but as distances grow it would get pretty tedious. Some people used to play chess by snail mail, its probably still done.

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I want multiplayer. Mods are already pumping out more star systems then I can shake a stick at. But I can't reliably do multiplayer in any form. The last time I checked in on KMP you couldn't have two players within 30km of KSC, not to mention the utter lack of stability. Ya, I wan't multiplayer. I'm pretty sure the only thing that would be more epic then watching a stream of Whackjob launch his latest blasphemy, would be to watch him do it on the launch pad while Moar Boosters is taking off with his newest disaster from the runway. :)

  SSSPutnik said:
Some people used to play chess by snail mail, its probably still done.

Some people use to crap in holes in the ground. Some still do. Don't see the point of the analogy. Lan/IPX/TCP/IP have been around for decades now.

Heck, some people still connect to the internet via telephone lines but thats not a very compelling reason for Comcast, Cox, AT&T, etc., to pack up and shut their doors.

Edited by Arsonik
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I meant, say in Multiplayer you want to rendezvous with a players base out at Jool. You're talking months of game time to get there..

In the meantime the other player could have quit, changed the base, moved it and so on..

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