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Veto Aerospace Anhinga Aircruiser

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The Anhinga is a cruiser-style aircraft, the second of Veto\'s attempts. The first - the Sea Vulture-type - was more unstable, and the Anhinga was the result of what was learned from it. With good glide time, reasonable agility for a craft its size, and the ability to carry a large number of bombs or missiles, it can certainly hold its own in terms of usefullness. It has an unusually good ability to land, though having the engines running is a must. Over long flights, great care should be taken that it not use all fuel.

A rework of the Sea Vulture may happen in the future.



-C7 Experimental V3

NovaSilisko\'s ML-22 Lander Legs

HSTW Landing Skids

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That\'s alot of lift- it looks like it could make a fantastic glider, but first you need to but the larger elevators on the front wings so you can change the flow from the front of the plane as well. Trust me, with that little change it could glide forever.

Also two large vertical stablizers in the back would not only look aesthetically pleasing, but a good investment in flight control.

Anyway, nice craft. Plenty of room to fit weaponry on!

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Trust me, this has a lot of control already. Though I didn\'t put any aeilerons on the forward wings for ease of landing - too much control would make is far too difficult to land it without ASAS.

Oh, ok. By the way, have you tried building a flagship (aka monster ship) yet?

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