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VeryLKO Emergency Rescue Mission

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I sent up a prototype test flight of the main component of my Jool Station. The station consists of docking ports, empty fuel tanks, and a science lab. After finishing the test flight, I decided to use the remaining RCS to deorbit the prototype station. I was able to get the station into a 66x69km LKO when I ran out of fuel. So I'm thinking it'll be fun to watch the prototype ship slowly loose its orbit. I then proceeded with a few other launches for my upcoming Jool mission and then I head to bed.

I jumped out of my bed this morning with the sudden realization that there were Kerbals in that Science Lab!!!!

The prototype ship is now orbiting in a 61x65km LKO, and I must save the Kerbals!! I do not know how much longer the orbit will last. But for fun, I'm going to pretend like I have to save them before they get to their next periapsis.

Emergency Mission profile:

  • Launch a unmanned rescue mission from Kerbin
  • Intercept and Dock with the Prototype Station
  • Boost the Prototype Station into a safer orbit.
  • All of the above must be done before the Prototype Station can complete 1 orbit.

How would you do it?

EDIT: I've got a very capable vessel already. I am mostly interested in what maneuvers you would use to intersect in the shortest amount of time.

Edited by JedTech
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Actually, that's an amazingly easy rescue profile as long as "before periapsis" means that they'll fly fairly close to the space center. Just do a standard orbital insertion when it gets close enough in that case, timing your arrival to the particular height the station happens to be at just right so as to meet up with it. Kinda boring, but there you have it.

Now if "before periapsis" means they won't be anywhere near the space center, THEN you can have some real exciting times... I'm thinking a bold suborbital hop to get close enough, followed by an insane complete reversal when matching orbits with it followed by a hair-raising re-entry as you watch the station fly overhead and hope the landing gear on the rescue ship can take the impact.

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The Periapsis occurs 1/4 of an orbit before it passes over KSC. I am thinking of blasting off and heading into the same plane but in a westbound orbit. I will intersect a little higher than the Prototype Lab and then do a reverse-orbit burn. CRAZY!

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You would launch to rendezvous, circularize and intercept the target, and dock. There isn't a terrible amount of drag before 50km, so you should be fine. As far as your orbit, go the same way as your target. DO NOT go the opposite way in an effort to catch up faster.

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Build a space plane, preferably with a cargo bay (I suggest B9, but there are others) then get all your kerbals in a single module and (QUICKSAVE HERE!) decouple that module Launch your Space Plane and try to catch the falling module in your cargo bay. (


You could also turn this into a challenge.

Edited by Taki117
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Build a space plane, preferably with a cargo bay (I suggest B9, but there are others) then get all your kerbals in a single module and (QUICKSAVE HERE!) decouple that module Launch your Space Plane and try to catch the falling module in your cargo bay. (

You could also turn this into a challenge.

That movie was awesome! It would be fun to create something like this or make a challenge as you said. My prototype station is one really big module so my only choice is to Dock or send the Kerbals out for a dangerous EVA.

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That movie was awesome! It would be fun to create something like this or make a challenge as you said. My prototype station is one really big module so my only choice is to Dock or send the Kerbals out for a dangerous EVA.

AT least with the Dangerous EVA you can save them, as long as they are not too far apart.

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If you haven't installed anything that limits the Kerbal's lifespan on EVA, their backpacks should have enough fuel to get them into 70x70 orbits EVA'd. Then you can pick them up at your leisure. I call it the Semi Gravity Rescue strategy.

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So I didn't end up doing anything too crazy. I took off slightly to the west but nearly vertical. It was timed to intersect the Prototype Station. I then did a velocity match (with help of MechJeb). Docked and boosted to a safe altitude. I then used KAS (for the first time) to attach 6 parachutes around the station. I then proceeded with a parachute assisted powered landing. See landing pictures below.

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Don't you love the lighting on my station? Lights are also pointed upwards to assist with docking.

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The Periapsis occurs 1/4 of an orbit before it passes over KSC. I am thinking of blasting off and heading into the same plane but in a westbound orbit. I will intersect a little higher than the Prototype Lab and then do a reverse-orbit burn. CRAZY!

It's a pretty good way, however, you must know that you will be most likely colliding in high speeds, and since you are in Kerbin's atmosphere, there is no space for failures (unless your hack fuel supply). Braking before rendezvous would definitely take a lot speed to loose. So "a little higher" is not enough. You need a regular hohmann intercept to do it that way, which would take maybe too long (all that warping).

I've saved a lot of doomed kerbals. Trust me.

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Did you remember to take all the science from the lab?

Was it possible to just push the lab using kerbals eva thrusters?

I'm not sure how to take science from a lab. Also I hear you can take science from a Mystery Goo container and store it in the lab and at the same time clean out the Mystery Goo container. However I can only clean the Mystery Goo container if I transmit the science first. Can you clarify this for me?

The Lab was really big, so I'm not sure that the Kerbals could have done it themselves.

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