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Subforums for biggest addons


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I think certain addons like interstellar or remotetech schoudl have their separate subforums.

What do you think?

It's certainly something to think about... but given that there's really only a handful or two of mods complex enough to need them, I'm not sure it's worth the effort.

(And Majir, he's talking about complex mods, not popular mods. There is a difference.)

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If all the issues could be sorted, I'd give a resounding "yes" for this - Majir, not for "attention" but for "sorting". I just came back to the game after a couple months' absence, and sorting through the mammoth threads for FAR, RemoteTech and Kethane was quite the task, especially with several of my favorite mods switching authors whilst I was gone :)

The biggest problem I'd see is that this seems it would make a "cool kids" distinction between mods. Who is to say which belongs in which category? I know I'd be upset if some of my favorites weren't "included", and I don't have anywhere near the emotional investment in them that the authors do!

.. Edit: ..

Giving this a little more thought, I note that there are 25 mods in the first five pages with 90 or more pages worth of replies, so that might provide a decent marker for "mods which are generating enough traffic that they may warrant their own forums"

Also, we can generalize the question, from "create more forums" to "As a community, we're clearly using each mod's thread for a purpose to which a single forum thread is not the best solution. What would a better solution be?"

Edited by Amaroq
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The thing is, in my personal opinion, the Add-On and Releases subforum is fine as it is because it is the place to talk about mods that have been released.

Now, I may be putting words in the OP's mouth, but the only real downside (to me) is that there is no way to tell apart mods whose forum threads have a post because they have been updated and mods that have on-going discussion.

So, what about just making a "Releases and Updates" sticky thread that only mod authors post in when they release a mod or new version so that a person can find new mods? That would allow a person to every couple days (or week or whatever) to go to that thread and see what has been released.

I know I've missed seeing new mods when they are released because they get bumped off the front page so fast so something like this would take care of my only real problem with the Releases sub-forum as it exists (IMO anyway).


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So, what about just making a "Releases and Updates" sticky thread that only mod authors post in when they release a mod or new version so that a person can find new mods? That would allow a person to every couple days (or week or whatever) to go to that thread and see what has been released.

I like this idea, and the mod authors could include a link to the discussion thread for that mod in their "Releases and Updates" thread, so it would be easier to locate specific discussions if necessary.

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I definitely want dedicated forums for the popular addons.

Remotetech has over 300 pages, Interstellar has 500, Ferram, Mecheb and B9 are all in that ballpark. When I'm trying to see If there is a fix for a problem I don't want to search through the last 50 pages of an addon's thread to see if someone has reported a similar problem or a fix. And I also have to potentially check for several seperate related threads posted by users who in the support and requests subforum. The forum search engine is just this side of totally useless and web searchers like Google invariably take you to the OP of the thread.

I'd much rather have a seperate subforum for support for those addons and be able to just read thru the threads dedicated to particular issues and requests.

Edited by EatVacuum
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