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Most Detailed Kerbal Border Map in History


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I see that most of the countries are anagrams of real-life civilisations... Bravo.

I love how you added Ichelica (Chichimec Tribes?), Yama (Maya) and Atezaca (Aztec Empire). I've always found Mesoamerica to be interesting and people always forget about them. What I want to know is, what is Abvonovichatkaderivokistan an anagram of?

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The only thing this map really lacks is ocean names. It's a very impressive display, well made, with a good assortment of places and names. Like many others, I think I might use this map as my official Kerbin, with a few personal political tweaks.

Great job! Well deserved spotlight on this map.

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AMAZING! This is from now on my official map of Kerbin, next time I have to refer to some place I'm using these places.

Is KSP2 in Gerinia or Dachland, it's kinda on the border

It appears to bein Gerinia, but there's this thingy that kinda looks like it may be KSC2 in Dachland. :)

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What no Tejas?

(Analog for Texas)

Exast seems to be an anagram of Texas. Also it is disputed because Texas: "Gib independence pls"

Also it looks like the USA, China, and Russia (or USSR) analogs are dangerously close to each other.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Does Cerima have anything to do with a certain province I am sick and tired of hearing about? :P

Seriously, though, that is awesome! I especially like the globe representation. Maybe add the other sides to it?

No, Cerima has nothing to do with said province. I realize it is actually a perfect analog, but this is wholly unintended and makes no geopolitical sense in the map.

Cerima is basically the new world, but it having arguably 3 continents makes for strange naming.

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Yes, Exast is an analog for Texas. I didn't want to give that area to someone else and I wanted them to have a disputed province. I don't live there and I realize this does not mirror the current real-life situation whatsoever.

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I see that most of the countries are anagrams of real-life civilisations... Bravo.

I love how you added Ichelica (Chichimec Tribes?), Yama (Maya) and Atezaca (Aztec Empire). I've always found Mesoamerica to be interesting and people always forget about them. What I want to know is, what is Abvonovichatkaderivokistan an anagram of?

You are giving me more credit than I deserve. I've actually never heard of the Chichimec tribes.

Abvonovichatkaderivokistan is a country that simply has a really long and difficult-to-pronounce name like some former SSRs seem to. It is much worse however.

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Nice job! Also, I see many, many sources of potential geopolitical conflict. Hmmm...

Someone should port this map as a mod for Civ 5, or any paradox games (actually, all of them, please!)

Hmm... I'm not great at making Civ V maps. Certainly you have permission to do so.

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You are giving me more credit than I deserve. I've actually never heard of the Chichimec tribes.

Abvonovichatkaderivokistan is a country that simply has a really long and difficult-to-pronounce name like some former SSRs seem to. It is much worse however.

Ah, just take the credit :P would you care to post some way of pronouncing Abconovichatkaderivokistan?

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