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Ever just.. quit the game?


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config files? Never looked at those.

load screen failing? never had that.

things not working that should? rarely.

Don't blame blame the game for shoddy mods or combinations of mods that don't play well together. Blame the modders. And then only blame them if you pay them money for the mods.

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When it comes to games like this or one of the Elder Scrolls games, I tend to play them in spurts depending one what mods are out or any new updates.

Like, I'm playing it now because .24 is pretty much imminent. But later on I might stop playing and reinstall Skyrim to enjoy any new mods that have come out since I last played it.

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I was starting to get bored of just building space stations until they got too big to run on my computer, and was starting to revert back to Portal / Portal 2.

But then I watched Europa Report the other night (that movie was amazing, by the way) and now I have a really strong urge to go to Vall again. Of course, all I'll be able to do once I get there is just stare at the ice and wish there was water underneath it like there is on its real-universe counterpart, but I can just imagine that the kerbs are drilling into the ice, deploying a submersible probe, and finding something amazing underneath.

Hopefully nobody gets eaten by anything while trying to repair frozen fuel lines.

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I quit for a month after spaceport switched to curse. I just lost all interest in the game if curse was the planned route. I was just so disappointed.

I got over it but still refuse to go to curse. I don`t see the game the same anymore though, like a partner that cheated on you (you take them back but things are `different`. Not as good, there is less trust)

Since the signs have happened for imminent release of 0.24 I`ve stopped playing until it comes out. I was testing mods on the unofficial 64 bit client and examining SSTO options for larger craft (which can still re-enter while using DRE)

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I am guilty too - I quit then asteroids came out - OH YA! Now contracts...but Open Glide even tho it gives me back more memory I cant use it cause I still only have 300 megs of game memory to use and it still crashes; but Ihave an hour or so of gameplay and I restart (I use alot of mods); so I have to deal with whatever problems come up I guess.

I am realizing now that too many parts and stuff in orbit is just too much for the game and now is lagging; I have a fast 6 core cpu and a gtx660; I shouldnt have problems; it isnt running at peak efficiency tho I need a better cpu cooler but I am broke again.

I have spent many hours to the point of exhaustion in this game; but I keep giving it the benefit of the doubt cause in reality this is a SIM not a game; well for the most part; the Kerbals add a nice gaming touch!

My last stint was for good til asteroids came out just to let you all know. Surprise content I think is a mainstay for any game to keep interest.

Cmdr Zeta

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Depends on your definition of quit. Getting completely frustrated in a new ship design that you can't keep from self destructing, and then just saying that's it and stop playing for a few hours, or a day or few because you then have work and other stuff to do in real life, Yes I have. Just saying ok I'm bored of this game now, I quit, then wait a few months for new content to get put in before coming back? No never.

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I have done that after 2-3 months of the newest versions of the game. I get to the point where I am tired of having the same bugs appearing and not being able to get something done that should or was easy in the stock after playing the game for a couple of years. Anyway I am ready for the 64 bit version which should make a huge difference to those of us that have 64 bit OS's and have been limited by the memory bugs.

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Too much time in configuration files. Too much time sitting through the load screen only to get reverted back to the main menu. Too many instances where things should work, but they just dont. I played stock for a good year and after started modding my game. I found out I could craft different experiences and would make a whole new game with every update. But after spending hours today trying to get a mod to work ( theres no need to say which ) ive decided enough. And I quit. I deleted every trace of the game without a second thought. And I gotta say it almost feels liberating. Kinda strange really...

Ive no intention on playing again until Unity matures. The game is not expandable enough. So for my final post for a long time I ask. Has anyone ever done the same? Hit a complete brick wall with this game and its limits? Or Unity's I should say?

Yup. Certainly.

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I'm always at my most active in KSP when waiting for a new patch. The anticipation makes me itch to play the game! :P Seriously, I lurked on these forums for a long time. I didn't feel I had anything new to say that wasn't already being said, but the upcoming patch has got me all worked up! :)

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I have no idea how many hours I have played. I know I put in at least a month of 12 hour+ days when I first got it. I planted a flag on every body in the system in my first month of play to become a grandmaster (this was before I realised that there wasn`t much more to the game than what I just did)

I`m looking forward to there being some reason to not be whackjob and to build sensible rockets. I may try FAR in the mean time to encourage me to build sensible rockets for another reason...

I wonder whether SQUADS 64 bit version will be any less buggy than the unofficial version. I`m glad toolbar will be included, toolbar causes the most bugs in 64 bit...

At least we can get support for it.

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Took about a month break when .21 came out as it broke my game data. reverted back to my old version, saved my space station. After i built it up to 1k or so parts i gave up again due to the lag. After the tech tree was added i played it some more. got tired of the science, send, science, send, science, send, science, send routine so then i quit. .23 came out finished 1 mission and now finally installed some mods that are keeping the game exciting.

My main problem why i keep taking brakes from the game is because of the lag. I love building stations and having to wrap it up only because of lag is just disappointing. i'm running a quad core 5.0ghz cpu, 20 gigs of ram and dual video cards (560 primary).. soon to be running a gtx 780.

I have to admit, I am in a similar situation with my computer ( 8 core, 16GB RAM with a single 1GB VRAM vid card...) but on the other hand, I as I understand it, because this software is currently 32bit, it can only use 4GB of my system ram anyway... I think I've seen a way of forcing KSP into a 64bit program, but I've been very hesitant to try that.

That said, while I've taken breaks from KSP, I don't think I'll ever quit... And I expect I'll take breaks in the future and come back again.

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On and off, mostly due to frustration about memory :)

This time on a career run and build something decent without going directly for outer planets and wonder what to do.

Also doing a sort of mission log made it more fun again, altho with the post about 64bit to be released my attention dwelled to try and squeeze abit more performance out of the 32 bit so I could include more mods and hope it will run on the 64bit version with dx11 that works now finally.

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I really doubt this is a Unity only issue. Kerbal is not programmed that amazingly well. Let's be honest here. Modders can do things inside the stock game the programmers can't/still learning. Kerbal is the first real try. As a company. There are modders out there who can a lot more. In a lot less time. I kind of having the same feeling now and then. Kerbal right now, is on the down low. This new coming update? Mwah! Not interessing! It's some career stuff I personally don't wait for. The whole career idea for me; again personally, is kind of boring. Not fun. Not even worth waiting for. It's some cash, contract and science points. Again, for career. If you don't choice career; there is nothing new! Bold move. Stupid move in my opinion. Like you said; you leave a whole bunch of people in the dark because "your" just focusing on career/one mode For what? A whole year now? That is in the long rung indeed losing a lot of people who indeed lose a lot of interest. But! that the Kerbal choice. They want to do it that way. They want to first complete this, and then that and all that crap. The programming scope thingy. Blaming it on the Unity Engine is easy. And yes, there are probably some things wrong too. But don't even believe for a second it is just Unity. Cause Squard itself can do it a lot better too. They think they are God. Do everything perfect. They believe they are doing amazing. But to be honest.. They still have a lot to learn..

Edited by JSD
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I don't think I played any other game more than 5 minutes in 2013, but spent 2000 hours with KSP.

That said, yes, I've deleted every trace of KSP. The parts mods got so good, that I couldn't have just one, and the visual mods are so good, that I can't bear to lower settings. The 64 bit "hack" came, and I thought I had reached nirvana, only to find that launching KSP with it was a bit like launching a strutted together KSP rocket for the first time..doomed to fail.

Now here I sit, without a trace of KSP on my machine... playing Watch Dogs and Shogun Total War, waiting for the day that .24 will come

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I will admit that I haven't played in a few months. Part of that is because I'm at an internship now that keeps me busy, studying real spacecraft and designing real control systems so building spaceships in KSP is fun but I'm trying to do it in real life. Lol

But to answer the OP yes I certainly do get frustrated. Mostly because there are features I want that I haven't gotten around to trying to mod into the game yet or the mods I can get aren't finished / have game breaking bugs / don't work well together. I get a little impatient for the finalstate of the game so I focus on other matters, although I do always keep my eye on the development status of the game. So that's the other part of why I haven't played much recently.

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