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Define probe names in VAB

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The naming system is a bit annoying at the moment. Say you want to launch your Duna Rover and Duna Satellite in one launch with your Jool 5 rocket.

You get into a parking orbit around Duna, decouple both probes and they'll be called Jool 5 probe.

This could be fixed if we could name the probe parts and the command pods while in VAB/SPH.

Just right click on a probe/pod and change it's name.

The main configuration would still be called Jool 5.

When decoupling a probe/pod, it wouldn't inherit the main name, but use the name which is stored in the decoupled part.

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I like the idea in general (names per probe core/command module), I have placed similar suggestion in the past, too. But I'm not sure defining these names in VAB is the right place.

There's that classical design/mission discrepancy. Design is "space shuttle", that's what you make and save in VAB. Mission is "STS-90", where you send "space shuttle" to orbit e.g. to deploy a satellite. You may technically have single design to send probes all around the system and going to VAB to rename them every time you want to send them out may get annoying.

I think this naming option should be present in the same dialog where you pick crew for the ship. Beside list of free crew positions (or even within it), there might be list of command pods/probe cores and you can assign a name/icon to each of them before the launch.

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This idea sounds great! All my launchers have probe cores on them so that I can return them to Kerbin once they my cargo reaches orbit but sometimes there isn't enough fuel on-board so it's floating in space and impossible to find in the tracking station :P

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