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Single Launch to Everywhere! (Single Launch Exploration Challenge)

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So I had this idea.

Required Things;

-Only one launch

-Visit SOI of all planets

-Stock-only, with the exception of using a delta-V calculator to help you

Difficulty increasing options

This list it split up by category.


-Use no RTGs

-Use no solar panel arrays

-Use no OX-STAT Photovoltaic Panels or solar arrays

-Use engines as the only source of power

Where to go

-Order (if doing this Voyager style)

-Visit planets from inner to outer

-Visit planets from outer to inner

-Visit SOI of all moon

-Return safely to Kerbin afterwards

Leaving a mark

-Leave a probe in orbit around all planets

-Leave a probe in orbit around all moons

-Land a probe on every solid

-Land a probe in every biome

-Leave a flag on all solid surfaces


-Launch kerbal(s)

-Have the kerbol(s) visit all planets SOI

-Have the kerbol(s) visit all moons SOI

-Return the kerbol(s)

Other part limiting options

-Use no nuclear engines

-Use no mainsails

-Use no parachutes

Leave no trace

-Leave no debris anywhere

-Safely land any debris at kerbol

-Safely land everything at kerbol

Many of these are VERY hard to achieve. So… Not sure if all are possible, but do as many as you can! I know you can’t do all of them because of how they are set up. Get massive amounts of bragging rights for yourself! Go forth kerbonauts!

Oh, and some tips;

-I got the main idea of an all-planets-flyby mission from Voyager, so use that for some ideas if you would like.

-check out this video for an alternate approach -

-There are 17 SOI, 4 bodies with atmospheres, and 11 other bodies to land on without atmospheres.

Good Luck~ I know this challenge takes a while, so tell if you're trying it please.

Edited by Macrocosmus
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I once designed a 6-ton ion probe that had over 8km/s dV.

I'm confident if I made it 10 tons, it could easily visit all the planets. The problem? The original had enough fuel to burn 3 days IRL.

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