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H-O-R-S-E Challenge Game: Rebirth

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Hi all! This is an unconventional challenge thread.

Prior the forumpocalypse, lost within the pages, was a challenge series I was participating in, posted by zarakon. I have waited for someone to replace it, but no-one has.

Here is my best recollection as to how it went:

H-O-R-S-E is a challenge type where you post a 'trick'. It can be as complicated or simple as you want, but you will need to complete it yourself. Once posted online, others will attempt your challenge, and the first person to show that they have successfully completed your challenge is able to post their own for others to attempt.

If noone can beat your challenge within 7 days, you may post a new one.

If it is your turn to post a challenge, and you fail to post one within 24 hours, the right to post a new challenge will default to the next person who successfully completed the challenge and so on.

Example challenges from the original thread:

Fly from LKO to Munar low orbit using only RCS thrust

Land on Gilly with Mainsail engine

Land on Gilly with Ion Engine.

Get to orbit without using oxidiser.


Unless the rules you post forbid anything, everything is allowed.

This being said, there are special rules that will always apply unless you state otherwise:

Rockets are must be manned.

Mechjeb or similar autopilots are not allowed

Stock parts only

Hyperedit and similar plugins are not to be used.

My challenge is below! Lets see how we do!



1: Onto the VAB in under 60 seconds, 3 kerbs| First Completed: WoofMcMoose

2: Land a plane gliding opposite the direction it was launched |First Completed: sdj64

3: Launch to orbit with a retrograde engine| First Completed: Othuyeg

4: attain 300x300km orbit, then deorbit. Land with no engines or parachutes.| First Completed: SpaceK531

5: Infiniglide around KSC.|First Completed: Zarakon

6: From minmus's surface to <250x250 LKO, using kerb jetpack| First Completed: Othuyeg

7: Fastest Minmus Rover| Fastest: Jimbimbibble (~850ms)

8: Exceed 101km/s | First Completed: cyberklad

9: Build a rocket with as few donut tanks as possible|kahlzun (11)

10: Land on Minmus using ion power, manned|First Completed: OhTehNoes

11: Kerbal to orbit on a ladder|First Completed: cyberklad

12: Same kerbal, rescued.|First Completed: zarakon

13: Small rapier SSTO & back.|cyberklad

14: Highest 'G-Force' in a manned rocket|OhTehNoes

15: Using only infiniglide, land on the gravel runway faster than 1:38| Claw (1:37)

16: Travel 80km or more using only monopropellant|Sargent890

17: Climb the VAB without flying|Claw

18: Solids to orbit, land on a moon|Tidus Klein

19: Land a SSTO on the Mun| Leibnitz

20: Build a 4-part space station | FlaccidUnicorn

21: EVA between two ships while suborbital | hawkwing

22: EVA between two ships below 50km | Jimbimbibble

23: Redirect a "Class E" asteroid to impact Kerbin (you monster)| pds314

24: Beat 12663m using only LES engines | <no attempts>

I have returned from overseas, and will continue to adjudicate.

Edited by kahlzun
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Ok, here's my challenge:

Land 3 kerbals safely on the roof of the VAB in under 60 seconds. All 3 kerbals must be disembarked from the pod/chair. Post screenshot showing MET.

Here are my pics:

JBqI6b5.png On the launchpad

qwYCyoD.png In flight

IBNWrWF.png All unloaded: MET 36s

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Ok, you didn't specify a version and since my house is being renovated I'm on my laptop which only has 0.2 installed. Still the building is about the same distance away and roughly the same height, so I reckon its a valid attempt. It wasn't too hard when I gave up on the sepatrons for braking and switched to chutes- far less explodey!!





The hardest part was getting the Kerbals out quickly, hence the unruly pile!


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Here's my go at putting kerbs on the VAB.




Deploying Parachutes.



Ok, so if I understand the rules correctly, it's my turn to post a challenge. The challenge is: BASS ACKWARDS. You must land a plane in the opposite direction that it took off from. This is not to be construed as landing on/from the other side of the runway. The plane must actually fly and land backwards under aerodynamic lift from wings, not under engine power or parachutes. Oxidizer and parachutes are completely forbidden as is VTOL.

Here's my attempt.




Reversing the engines.


Notice that the cockpit is backwards. My controls are reversed too! I forgot that would happen.


Landing! Notice the plane is pointing retrograde on the navball.

Edited by Jimbimbibble
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Hi guys!

Thanks for your submissions, you have both achieved the challenge as written.

Ok, so if I understand the rules correctly, it's my turn to post a challenge.

Sadly you were ninja'd by WoofMcMoose; unless he fails to submit a challenge, as the first 'completer' he gets first dibs on posting the next challenge. I neglected to specify a time limit on challenges as in this situation, so I will add a 'cap' of 24 hours.

If you're not wishing to post a challenge of your own, Woof, please let us know so we can try Jim's unusual concept

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Jimbimbibble's challenge sounds good (and along the lines of what I was looking for). I completed the first one without considering what the next should be!

So yes, get landing Bass Ackwards and if I come up with something in the meantimes I'll just have to complete whatever the latest challenge is to get it in here.

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Alright, finished the bass ackwards plane challenge! I learned something new today - that wings only give lift in the forwards direction. I first tried with just one set of swept wings, and it dropped like a rock when it turned around.

Flying forwards


Flying backwards


Landed, still travelling backwards


And now, I challenge you all to make it to orbit... with a LV-T30 on backwards the whole way up.

(to clarify, whenever you are firing any engine in the prograde direction, the LV-T30 has to be on in the opposite direction. No blocking the thrust with parts.)

Here's my attempt, to show it's possible.





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My attempt at going into orbit with an LV-T30 fighting against my mainsails.


My challenge will be as follows: (an easy one.)

Establish an orbit around Kerbin ABOVE 300 000 meters with a space craft carrying atleast one kerbal. You will then deliberately de-orbit your craft by killing your speed. Once you are no longer in an orbit and you are going down into the atmosphere and down into the ground you must separate ALL engines from your spaceship. (needs to be done before going below 300km) You will then need to land your craft without any engines. And NO PARACHUTES. The Kerbal must come down with the craft and must remain alive. Expired Kerbals will count as a failure.



-a live kerbal

-no parachutes

-no engines



CHEATS AND GODLIKE MODS ARE ALLOWED TO REACH THE ORBIT. This is not a part of the challenge.

Edited by Othuyeg
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provide some pics and it will be easier to believe ;)

You mean, of the LV-T30 challenge or of the challenge I have put forth?

There is a video showing the entire mission where I complete the LV-T30 challenge.

If you are talking about the feasibility of my challenge: If I were to provide the video (Actually, I have done it quite a few times) of me doing it, it would be simply way too easy. It would remove all enjoyment you get from the feeling of discovery.

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In HORSE you typically have to make the shot in order for it to be valid. However, I do agree that this one is pretty easy. Maybe, the rules can be changed so that the poster has 24hrs to provide proof? That would give us a chance to try it before seeing the answer.

Edited by Jimbimbibble
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Apparently while I was out doing the challenge, you posted some pics.

Unfortunately for me the default binding for screenshots is F1 and not F10 like I expected, soo I have no photos except the aftermath.


^I did not spend almost an hour for nothing


^the glider itself. No power except 2 SRBs that were ejected after successfully deteriorating the orbit, and the surviving kerbal on the flight deck ladder.


the higher-ups at Kerbal Space Center have heard of a revolutionary 'new' technology called "Infinigliding" and would like a safe demonstration of the concept. Fly an infiniglider around the KSC and land safely on the runway. Hopefully they like what you've designed and implement it further!


over-land speed must be less than 200 m/s

distance over land must be greater than 5,000 meters (a lap around KSC)

distance over land must be less than 10,000 meters (no getting side-tracked)

you must land the same way you took off on the KSC main runway (e.g. if you took off east, you must land facing east)

rocket engines, jets, propellers are forbidden and may not be used

you may not have ANY parts fall off, get destroyed, or be ejected for any reason.

bonus points for infinigliding with FAR enabled.

to prove that it's still possible in .23:






since it seems people have not been posting about this challenge, I figured I would make a short write-up on infinigliders to spur some intrest:

infinigliders work using a bug in the control surfaces in stock KSP. Basically, when a flap is being moved, it generates forward thrust. On heavy planes this has almost no effect, but on really light airplanes, it is super effective.

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When someone is able to propose it, a slinky rocket. 100 donuts tank stack SSTO. No braces. One SAS allowed under the pod. No clipping tanks inside each other. Nothing else between the 100 tank stack. No other fuel tanks. No cheats or mods. Stock parts only with engines on the bottom only.


It is possible with careful flying and the right engine setup if I got this close to a stable orbit.


The person that can do this with the fewest donuts tanks wins.

Warning, the physics of donuts tanks stacked like this are a frame killer.

Edited by SRV Ron
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When someone is able to propose it, a slinky rocket. 100 donuts tank stack SSTO. No braces. One SAS allowed under the pod. No clipping tanks inside each other. Nothing else between the 100 tank stack. No other fuel tanks. No cheats or mods. Stock parts only with engines on the bottom only.

It is possible with careful flying and the right engine setup if I got this close to a stable orbit.

The person that can do this with the fewest donuts tanks wins.

Warning, the physics of donuts tanks stacked like this are a frame killer.

I am just going to say that this could be seen as a phallistic missile.

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This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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